Not Broken: True Destiny, Book 5
but…” She shrugged. “She’s crafty enough to set it up that way.”
    “I might be paranoid, but that’s what I would do. I mean, it’s obvious to anyone who sees them how deeply Logan loves Kir and Jordan. There’s no way he’d do anything to jeopardize his relationship with them.”
    “We have to hope, then, that Kir would see a trap.”
    “Not if she spelled it correctly.”
    Sydney was beginning to frighten Sylvia. “Oh, shit.” If Frederica put the spell on the attachment in such a way that Kir would be under its influence rather than, say, Logan, it could mean disaster. Kir would react as if he believed the evidence, even if it was wildly implausible. “We definitely need to warn them, even if they don’t believe us.”
    “What if we get to their place and there’s nothing on Logan’s computer? What then?” Sydney stood, throwing out her trash and picking up her purse. For all she was protesting, she obviously planned on going through with it.
    “Then we tell them what Frederica is up to and have them help listen in on her.” Sydney grabbed her own purse, ready to head out.
    Before she could get two steps, the lights went out. “Crap.”
    “I’ll get the flashlight.”
    Sydney might be calm, but Sylvia was freaking the hell out. “There’s no storm.”
    Sylvia could hear Syd rummaging around for the flashlight, cursing softly. “I said, there’s no storm. Why did the lights go out?”
    Silence. “Oh, fuck.”
    Sylvia nodded, even though she knew Syd couldn’t see her. “We need to get out.”
    Syd whimpered. “You think it’s Val?”
    “He has no reason to come after us, Syd.” She really needed to get over her fear of the Avenger. If she did, she might be able to figure out a way to get the man to notice her.
    “If he thinks we really are working for Frederica, he does.” The click of the flashlight and the sudden burst of light had her blinking. “Let’s go.”
    Sylvia followed Sydney, her senses on high alert. There was no way they could fight Val or Odin or Henry, or hell, anyone. Neither of them were warriors. Thor had protected her when they’d been married, even when he was unfaithful. After their divorce, there’d been no need for warriors, as the advent of modern times meant Sylvia felt relatively safe within the boundaries Odin had set for them. Hell, even after the Old Man had been defeated and the apples of Idunn put under lock and key, she’d felt safe.
    Now that sense of safety mocked her. She tiptoed toward her front door, terrified out of her mind. Her heart was pounding, her palms sweating, the fear causing every little creak to sound twice as loud as it really was. “Syd?”
    “Yeah?” Syd reached for the door handle.
    “Be careful.” Syd was even less ready for a confrontation than Sylvia was.
    “Sure thing.” But Sydney’s voice was shaking, the light from the flashlight moving erratically. Her friend was just as terrified as she was.
    After a deep, cleansing breath, Syd opened the front door and took a look around. “No one there.”
    “Good. Let’s go.” Sylvia put her hand on Syd’s shoulder, more than ready to get the hell out of Dodge.
    When a hand landed on her shoulder, she shrieked so loud she was certain she woke up Hel.

Chapter Five
    “He cried?” Morgan took off the headphones, his expression surprised. He set down the headphones and began to laugh. “He seriously had a crymax?”
    Magnus smacked his brother hard. “Dickhead. At least I know my kitchen table is safe to eat off of.”
    Morgan only laughed harder. “Mama always said we should eat at the table.”
    Magnus rolled his eyes and tried to ignore his idiot twin. He had more important things to worry about. “I don’t think Slade’s had any real affection in his entire life, and he got overwhelmed.”
    Morgan stared at his headphones, his laughter subsiding abruptly for real concern. “Are you worried that he might be broken?”
    He gave that some thought.

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