Not Planning on You
of her thoughts as Gray slowed the car at an intersection. Suzy recognized the tourist area as Garden City Beach. This was one of her favorite areas. Only a few miles from the huge crowds of Myrtle Beach, Garden City was small and quaint and attracted mainly families looking for a vacation spot with more family- friendly amenities and the freedom to enjoy the beach with a little more privacy than Myrtle Beach offered.
They were now heading from the main hub of the hotels of Garden City and to the section with many privately owned beach houses. As they got farther away, the houses were more elaborate and more private. Suzy felt as if her heart would stop as Gray pulled into the drive of what she could only call her dream house.
When she was little, her parents hadn’t really encouraged the whole fairy tale thing. She’d always wanted to be a princess. Her parents only purchased practical, educational books for them and refused to buy any of the more fanciful ones that she and Beth preferred. Luckily, the school library provided an endless supply, and as most little girls do, Suzy had read them and dreamed of one day being the princess in the book.
As she’d grown older, she’d buried the dreams of her childhood behind her and went for the shock value of leather and lace. At least, this was always guaranteed to get a reaction from her parents. Through the years, the provocative dress attire had become her signature and her shield. No one messed with a girl who could run for a mile in six-inch heels.
The house that they pulled up to brought all those hopes and dreams back from where she’d buried them long ago. It was a beautiful Victorian complete with gables and a turret. The façade was a blue-gray with white trim and a veranda that ran the side of the house disappearing around the back. It was quite simply, the house of her dreams and something she’d have never believed that Gray would choose. She pictured him in glass and steel, very contemporary and modern. Come to think of it, that was probably what he thought she’d select. This house was beautiful, unique and, yeah, she had to admit, almost magical. It was a castle for the modern girl who didn’t require a moat or drawbridge.
Suzy realized that Gray had cut off the ignition and was studying her reaction. She forced herself to shut the mouth that she knew was hanging open and gave him a nervous smile. There was simply no way she could insult this house. “Gray, it’s beautiful, but I’ll admit, I’m surprised. “
“Why is that, were you perhaps expecting something with pink flamingos?”
With a chuckle, Suzy said, “Not exactly, I’d have expected something more modern. You’re a big, rich, single guy on the prowl. This type of home might send the wrong message to your female fans. This house, although breathtaking, says, ‘I want two point five kids and a new mini-van in the drive-way.’
Gray studied her intently for a few moments and Suzy was powerless to turn away. He whispered one word that sent shivers down her spine, “Perfect.”


Gray walked around to the passenger side and opened the door. “I’m going to run unlock the door, and I’ll be back to carry you.” Suzy tried to edge her way towards the door, hoping to at least be standing when Gray returned. The sharp pain took her breath away. When Gray returned, her face was white and her uninjured leg was hanging out the car door. “Damn it, Suzanna, couldn’t you stay still for just two minutes?”
Unable to think of a snappy come-back, Suzy settled instead for sticking her tongue out at him, childish maybe, satisfying, definitely. Gray slid his hands under her as gently as he could and eased her out of the car. Each step he took caused a jarring pain in her ribs, but she kept her lips tightly pursed, determined not to look weak.
If Suzy thought she was in love with the house from the outside, the interior made it pale in

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