Nothing Less Than Love
you’re home,” Marcus said
exuberantly. “How’s your college?”
    Gwyneth shrugged. “Well, fifteen
hundred girls, no boys, and it’s catholic. What else is there to
say?” The university sounded like a drag, but it was truly a
beautiful campus and had one of the best business programs in
California. It wasn’t her first choice but they’d offered a
    “That’s tough,” Marcus patted her
shoulder. “So what are you doing?”
    Sighing, Gwyneth pushed some loose
hair off her forehead. “Cleaning. My aunt needs help getting this
place in shape for your guests tonight.”
    Marcus wiggled his eyebrows. “Want to
be my date?” His seductive toned elicited a laugh for all his
efforts. “I promise everyone will adore you.”
    Gwyneth snorted. “Especially your
parents and Jordan.”
    “Speaking of...have you seen Jordan?”
Marcus inquired curiously.
    “No, I’ve been busy,” Gwyneth said as
she went back to scrubbing. “I need to get this done,” she said
    Shrugging Marcus stood up. “I just
thought you might be avoiding him.”
    Gwyneth whirled around. “Why would I
do that?”
    Reminding her, Marcus responded.
“After that argument you had last year.” He scratched his head.
“Let me see if I can remember...Oh, yes, he accused you of taking
advantage of our parent’s generosity and you told him he was a
stuffy old man stuck in the body of a little tin god. It only
escalated from there, and everyone in the house could hear you
    Gwyneth’s face turned red as Marcus
recounted the argument, but not for the reason he thought. It
wasn’t anger but embarrassment that heated her flesh. She still had
not forgotten the way the argument ended—the sudden descent of
Jordan’s head as he took fierce possession of her mouth. The
rushing fire in her blood, and then the rise of shame as he tore
himself away from her and stalked out of the room. To this day she
could still feel his body and mouth against her. “That was a year
ago. I’m sure we’ve both forgotten by now.” After a few more
minutes of small talk, Marcus finally left her to finish her
    When Gwyneth was done she went
upstairs and soaked in a hot bath full of bubbles. She was still in
there an hour later when the intercom on the wall buzzed. Gwyneth
rose from the cooling water and went to the wall without bothering
to put on a robe. “Yes?”
    “Gwenny, dear, it’s Lilly. How are
you?” Gwyneth tried to answer but Lilly pressed on. “I hate to
bother you on your first night home, but I need a favor. It seems
Jordan is determined to join us tonight, but he’s nearly delirious.
Could you please keep him in his room for the duration?”
    Gwyneth swallowed hard. “Of
course,” she answered with false cheer. Gwyneth put on a flowing
gold caftan and grabbed a book before going down a flight to
Jordan’s room. She forced herself to disregard the butterflies in
her stomach as she knocked on Jordan’s door and slipped into his
room. The place was definitely masculine. There was deep sand
carpeting on the floor and a navy spread on the
bed . Accent colors
were brown with specks of gold. “Good evening, Jordan.”
    Jordan frowned at her. “If it isn’t
poor little orphan girl. Come home to rob the folks, did
    Gwyneth tried not to be offended as
she noticed how hard he was struggling to stand as he fought with
the buttons on his pleated shirt.
    “ What do you want?” he
    Shrugging, Gwyneth approached him.
“Your mother sent me here to take care of you. I’m not looking
forward to it, but if you cooperate, things will go more smoothly.
Why don’t you lie down while I get you something to
    “Sorry, Florence, but I have a house
full of guests who—”
    “Have your father to take care of
them.” Gwyneth struggled to get Jordan into bed. “He may have had a
stroke but he

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