
Notorious by Karen Erickson Page B

Book: Notorious by Karen Erickson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Erickson
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Contemporary
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heard from him—but for the last month, she’d had enough sex with Eric to make up for the dismal sex life she had with Keith.
    The man was insatiable. She’d never had a better lover. But he was mysterious and close-mouthed, and he rarely revealed any personal details about himself. As if he might be afraid to.
    She could relate. The next time they were together, she vowed to be more open with him.
    “So what’s going on, Stacy? You look good.” Alexa studied her carefully, her gaze knowing. Almost too knowing. “You have a certain glow about you. Are you hiding something? You’re getting some, aren’t you?”
    “I am not.” Her cheeks flushed with heat, and she shook her head. No way did she want to admit this. How the hell could Alexa tell?
    “You so are. But I guess you don’t want to talk about it so I’ll leave it be until you’re ready.” Alexa smiled. “Is he any good?”
    “I’m not going to dignify that question with an answer,” Stacy said haughtily, feeling like a snot. A lying little snot.
    “I take it that means he’s amazing and he probably gives you a bazillion orgasms a night.” Alexa sighed and shook her head. “I envy you.”
    “What? I thought your sex life with Brandon was perfect.” What with the way she went on and on about it when they were first together, just the two of them, Stacy had certainly though that was the case. From everything Alexa said, Brandon was a sex god with a capital S and G.
    “It’s fine, really it is. We’re good. But…he’s busy with work. And so am I. So sometimes, we feel a—disconnect with each other.” Alexa glanced about the restaurant as if to make sure no one was too close and could overhear. Then she leaned in closer, her voice lowering to almost a whisper. “I’m thinking of talking to Eric and see if he’d be interested in joining us again. We miss him.”
    The hairs on the back of Stacy’s neck stood on end, and her entire body stiffened. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
    Alexa reared back, seemed taken aback by her immediate answer. “Why do you say that?”
    “Haven’t you put the guy through enough? Last you told me he was absolutely miserable with the situation and told the two of you upfront he couldn’t do it anymore. It was too difficult for him to see you two together and know he really wasn’t a part of it.” Inside she seethed. And worried. What would she do if Alexa actually went to Eric and he agreed to be with them again?
    She didn’t know if she could take the rejection if it went down like that.
    “We miss him so much. Both of us do,” Alexa repeated, looking sad.
    “Well, maybe Eric doesn’t miss you.” God, she couldn’t believe how arrogant her friend was.
    “How do you know?” Alexa cast a shrewd look in her direction. “You talk like you have some insider knowledge. What’s up?”
    “Nothing.” Stacy shook her head and focused on her salad though she’d suddenly lost her appetite. Alexa still continued to watch her, she could feel it, and Stacy glanced up from her plate. “Okay, fine. I ran into him about a month ago. Right after Keith and I broke up. He was drinking a lot that night.”
    She still thought he drank too much, but he didn’t seem to drink as often as he used to. But he was damaged goods, she couldn’t deny it.
    Damaged goods she desperately wanted to fix.
    “Maybe it’s because he misses us.”
    “He doesn’t miss you.” Stacy slammed her fork onto the edge of her plate, the clang so loud more than a few people at nearby tables turned in their direction. “The world does not revolve around you and Brandon, okay? God, sometimes you can be so selfish.”
    Alexa’s mouth dropped open, and she set her fork very carefully next to her plate. “What are you talking about? What the hell is going on? Are you fucking him?”
    Her friend was way too damn perceptive. No way did she want to admit that she was. “We’re friends. I’ve been there for him when no one

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