anything to displease you?
(Oedipus and Jocasta enter the palace.)
CHORUS Let my speech, and all my acts,
1010 prove my love for what's pure.
May my luck hold me, lifelong,
to the great far-reaching laws
who stride through the light-filled
skies they were born to. Olympos
alone was their father,
no human mind conceived them;
those laws never sleep or forget
a mighty god lives in them
who does not age.
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1020 The tyrant is fathered
by his violent will
violent, and flushed
with wealth and power
which do him no good
but ruin his purpose,
he climbs his city to the ramparts
then plunges to a sudden doom
where his quick feet are no help.
But there's another fighting will
1030 I ask god never to destroy
the will that makes our city thrive.
God protects us: I'll never stop
believing that.
If a man goes through life
speaking and showing contempt,
fears no Justice, feels no awe
for stone gods in their shrines,
let a harsh death punish
the doomed indulgence of that man.
1040 For he's dishonest when he wins,
he can't resist disgraceful acts,
his hand reaches for things
too sacred to be touched.
When crimes like these, which god hates,
are not punishedbut honored
what good man will think his life safe
from god's arrows winging at his soul?
Why should I dance to this holy song?
If prophecies no longer lead
1050 straight to events all men can see,
I will honor no longer
the untouchable holy place,
Earth's navel at Delphi.
I will not go to Olympia
or the temple at Abai.
You, Zeus who hold power, if Zeus
king of all is your right name,
turn your mind to what's happening here:
prophecies made to Laius grow weak,
1060 men are ignoring them,
Apollo is nowhere
glorious with praise:
the gods lose force.
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(Jocasta enters from the palace carrying a suppliant's branch and some smouldering incense. She approaches the altar of Apollo near the palace door.)
JOCASTA Lords of my country, this thought
came to me: to visit the gods' shrines
with a branch and incense in my hands.
For Oedipus lets alarms of every kind
inflame his mind. He won't let past
experience calm his present fears,
1070 as a man of sense would.
He's at the mercy of everybody's
terrifying words. Since he won't listen to me,
Apolloyou are the nearest god
(Enter Messenger from the countryside.)
I come praying for your good will
as my branch shows. Cleanse us, cure our sickness.
When we see Oedipus distraught, we all shake,
like sailors catching fear from a nervous helmsman.
MESSENGER Can you point out to me, strangers,
the house where King Oedipus lives? Or better,
1080 can you tell me where the king is now?
LEADER He lives in that house, stranger. He's inside.
This woman is the mother of his children.
MESSENGER I wish her joy, and her family joy,
that comes when a marriage bears fruit.
JOCASTA No less to you, stranger, for those kind words.
What have you to tell us or to ask us?
MESSENGER Great news, Lady, for you and your mate.
JOCASTA What is this news? Who sent you to us?
MESSENGER I've come from Corinth. My news
1090 should make you very happythough
it will sadden you some as well.
JOCASTA What is it? How can it possibly do both?
MESSENGER They're going to make him king. The people
of the Isthmus want Oedipus to rule them.
JOCASTA Isn't old Polybos still in power?
MESSENGER No more. Death has put him in the tomb.
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JOCASTA Old man, are you saying that Polybos has died?
MESSENGER Kill me if that's not the truth.
(Jocasta turns to a servant girl, who runs inside.)
JOCASTA Girl, run to your master with this news.
1100 You oracles of the gods! Where are you now?
The man Oedipus feared he would kill,
the man he ran from, that man's dead.
Chance killed him, not Oedipus. Chance!
(Oedipus enters quickly from the palace.)
OEDIPUS Darling Jocasta, my loving wife,
why did you ask me to come out?
JOCASTA Listen to what this man has to say.
See what it does to god's proud oracle.
OEDIPUS Where is he from? What is the news he has?
Michel Houellebecq, Gavin Bowd
Orson Scott Card
Gabi Moore
Robert B. Parker
Cat Johnson
Vanessa Miller
Kate Constable
Mark Gimenez
Lauren Tashis
Angie Bates