Of Sorcery and Snow

Of Sorcery and Snow by Shelby Bach Page B

Book: Of Sorcery and Snow by Shelby Bach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelby Bach
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on there,” Lena whispered. “It happened two months before you came.”
    Now I felt like a huge jerk for wanting to roll my eyes.
    But Philip Chen-Moore’s name could end up there, and Evan and Mary Garrison’s, and Jamal Kidd’s, and maybe the names of all the Portland children who followed the Pied Piper. A thousand and one more names. We would need a bigger room.
    â€œYou think we don’t have a chance,” I said to Chase. “You think we won’t be prepared.”
    â€œNo, supplies and stuff aren’t the problem. I know how to get into all of EAS’s storerooms, and Lena can make everything we don’t have,” Chase said, and for a second, I relaxed, sure that he would vote for rescue. “But I don’t think we should go either. Idon’t want to go to the Snow Queen’s palace. People go in, and they don’t come out.”
    I stared at him.
    Chase didn’t scare easy. He never backed down from a challenge just because it was too dangerous.
    â€œEven powerful Fey, like Dyani, crown princess of the Unseelie Court, and her betrothed,” Chase added, and I understood what he was trying to say. Dyani’s betrothed had been Chase’s half brother Cal. The Snow Queen had killed them both when Chase was only five. She’d probably killed them in her palace dungeon.
    I couldn’t say anything. I was right, I knew it, but I didn’t want to force Chase to visit the place his brother had died.
    â€œWell, that is true, but they say the same thing about the Glass Mountain, and Chase and Rory have gotten in and out of there,” said Melodie, and all my hopes rushed back. “Twice, I might add. And you’re all forgetting that most times, a person’s Tale will bring them the help they need. You three are the newest Triumvirate. You’re known for making things happen. You might be the help that Miriam needs.”
    I didn’t know what I did to get on the harp’s good side, but I really appreciated it.
    Chase still looked unimpressed, but Lena was wavering. I could tell by the way she frowned and stared off into space, the same look she got when one of her inventions wasn’t behaving and she was trying to figure out how to fix it.
    Melodie sensed it too. “Madame Benne would do it. Madame Benne and Maerwynne and Rikard would never leave anyone to die alone in the cold.”
    That was the right thing to say. We all enjoyed getting compared to those three—they were the first triumvirate and they’dfounded the Canon—but Lena could never resist being like her ancestress, Madame Benne.
    â€œOkay, let’s ask Miriam. We’ll give her the choice: We’ll either go with her, or we’ll help her and the Companions she picked ”—Lena glanced down at the M3 to send me a reproachful look—“get to the right place without the Canon’s help. Deal?”
    Oops. Somehow Shakayla and Natalie had totally fallen off my radar. “That sounds fair,” I said, glancing hopefully at Chase.
    He shrugged, which was as close to yes as we were going to get.
    â€œWhere is Miriam?” I asked.
    Chase and Lena turned away from the mirror, searching the crowd.
    â€œThere.” The harp’s golden hand crossed the screen, pointing somewhere I couldn’t see. “Beating against the door to the Director’s office.”
    â€œOh! Poor Miriam.” Lena’s image started bobbing around as she ran across the courtyard.
    â€œDon’t tell her the plan so close to the Director!” I cried. “If the Canon finds out, the kidnapped kids have no chance.”
    â€œGive us a little credit,” Chase muttered off-screen. “We’re not complete idiots.”
    â€œHere. Take Rory and go to my place,” Lena said, passing the mirror over. “Gran’s gone with George to a prefreshman college orientation, and Jenny’s still out. I’ll grab

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