separated and put my legs in a spread eagle position. He groaned and afterward got on the bed setting his body between my legs. He licked my opening, however he didn't stop there. He licked in one long lick from my opening, up my belly, my chest, my neck, until his lips were on top of mine. I was lost in the energy of him adoring my body. It was then that I knew, despite everything I cherished him. I was enamored with Matthew, the father of my kid every one of these years and I would not like to let it be known to myself. Exactly when this idea entered my head and undermined to make me cry, he pushed his cock profound inside me with one hard push. "Gracious yes!" I yelled. "Fuck yes," he whispered as he moved gradually. His hips were crushing against mine as he moved his cock around within me. I spread my legs open more extensive letting him within me more profound and more profound. He kissed me with enthusiasm permitting his tongue to move over mine and I wrapped my arms around his back. My hands moved over the solid muscles in his back. At that point Matthew inspired himself up higher on his arms as he quit kissing me. Presently he floated higher above me and investigated my eyes as he moved his body over a bit to the side. Presently he set his hand on my paunch and gradually slid it down to my clitoris. His look took after his hand as he watched his cock going all through me while his finger kneaded my clitoris. I preferred watching him watch me. It was so hot and in the blink of an eye I blasted into another climax. "I'm cumming once more," I whispered as I grasped the sheets in my grasp. "Great, cum for me Gina. My sweet, sweet, Gina," he said as I discharged yet again everywhere on his cock. He groaned as he watched me squirm and squirm my way into happiness. At that point he situated himself to jack hammer me quick. His cock moved easily all through me in quick progression. It felt so great in my touchy state. His hips shook forward and backward quicker and speedier until he at long last discharged into climax. "Gracious god! Gracious damn! Yes," he yelled as he moved slower permitting himself to appreciate the sensation. He rested his solid body on top of me as we both regained some composure and lavished in something we had both needed for so long. We laid in bed until we were prepared for another round and after that another until the sun climbed the following morning. At long last, what I had feared started to unfurl.
MATTHEW I was glad that my plan was working. Though, truth be told I was not some master seduce her that planned to having a candlelit dinner in a hotel penthouse because it was closer to the hotel bed, in fact it was because I could not go to a restaurant without being interrupted by fans. Though I was grateful for my career. It did have its downfalls. I did not want to take Gina to a restaurant in our small town where it would cause Goss up and make her feel uncomfortable. People would be coming up to me just as they had been since I arrived in town and it would not be comfortable for either of us. If I took her to a restaurant in the city it would have the same affect but from strangers and we would not be able to have a normal conversation without being interrupted every few minutes. I did not want that for her. I did not want that to be our first date together. I wanted to be private and romantic. That is when I came up with renting a penthouse hotel room because it was easier than renting out a restaurant. I had the hotel chef prepare the best meal of lobster, steak, salads, and pastas followed by a gourmet chocolate dessert and lots of red wine. It was perfect. The hotel did a great job setting the table with their best Crystal, candles, and flowers. Even the hotel room was fragrant and smelt like a Springfield. It was all worth it to watch her eyes lighten up as she stepped into that hotel room. I don't think she had ever been in such a luxurious environment and I enjoyed treating