On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance)

On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Jade C. Jamison Page A

Book: On the Road: (Vagabonds Book 2) (New Adult Rock Star Romance) by Jade C. Jamison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade C. Jamison
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    * * *
    I wasn’t sure how or when it happened, but my first clue was when Barbie and Liz asked to room together night after night.  My second clue was noticing that Andrew and Barbie weren’t together.  That was strange, because she’d taken to him like flies to shit.
    My third clue was when Barbie kept slapping Liz on the ass one night at a show in Virginia.  I thought it was weird and a little rude until I saw Liz grin at her and then, during my solo, Barbie blew her a kiss.  The next night, Barbie made the V with her fingers, sticking her tongue between them, indicating that she wanted to lick Liz’s pussy…and Liz didn’t cringe or blush or look away.
    What.  The.  Hell.
    How had I missed that one?
    Peter didn’t say a word.  I at first expected him to come down on them hard, because they’d be frightening away all the old pervs who came to our show to fill their spank banks with fantasies of nubile rock stars, but then I realized it was going to do the exact opposite.  All those pervs who had a lesbian fantasy could fulfill it by watching Liz and Barbie, and those who didn’t still had the rest of us.
    I couldn’t understand that overblown fantasy anyway.  For some reason, guys thought that two women who loved women would all of a sudden decide they wanted a big, juicy cock in the mix.  Uh, no .  That wasn’t the way it worked.  Unless, of course, they were bi.  I now knew Barbie was, but I had no real handle on Liz, although thinking of her as a lesbian actually explained some things about her.  It felt genuine.  Barbie, though—it just felt like a phase.
    And that was Barbie in a nutshell.  The girl was like a butterfly, flitting from interest to interest, boyfriend to boyfriend (or girlfriend, in this case).  She couldn’t settle down long enough to really focus on any one thing.  That stressed someone like me out and made it hard for me to tolerate her.
    About a week later, Barbie pissed Peter off and he punished her.  He didn’t tell her that, but he was.  He put all five of us in a room together and said the reservations were fucked up.  The motel was full.  If any of us wanted, he said, we were welcome to share a room with him and Andrew.
    Uh…the man was out of his fucking mind.  No, that wasn’t it.  He was instead trying to seem like he was doing everything in his power to make things right, but I knew better and, I suspect, my bandmates did as well.  Still…I was positive it was bullshit, that he wanted the presence of three other girls to ruin Barbie’s good time.
    And he was right.  Not because of Barbie.  She would have been perfectly happy fucking Liz right there in front of us all—maybe even asking us to join her—or even kicking us out for a while or excusing herself to the bathroom and dragging Liz along.  But Liz wasn’t having any of it.  She was uncomfortable enough with Barbie’s PDAs but no way was she going to have sex with Barbie for the whole world to see.  Liz was too reserved, too private, and Barbie pushed her boundaries as it was.
    Since we had two double beds, I offered to sleep on the couch in the room.  Housekeeping brought me a sheet and blanket.  Barbie asked why I didn’t want to share a bed with her and Liz.  I tried to smile but found it difficult.  “Right, Barbie.  You have never had the hots for me, so don’t even pretend.”
    She shrugged and grinned.  “Okay…got me there.”
    Yeah, that was what I thought.  She was hoping to make me feel as squirmy as she’d made Liz, but that wasn’t going to happen.
    Since it was more a girls’ night type of thing, we wound up watching two movies on HBO.  Vicki had suggested renting different movies through the hotel channel but we all yelled no , perhaps a little too quickly.  We knew Peter would take it out of our earnings—and, knowing that bastard, he’d probably charge interest.
    Vicki, though—anymore, she seemed half out of it most days.  I knew she’d

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