rookies, but that’s no excuse for sloppy work.
“The added security makes everyone feel safer,” she says, keeping her attention ahead.
She seems like she wants to say more, but keeps quiet until the doors open into a small hallway on the fifth floor. “This is the penthouse,” she murmurs.
There are only two doors on this level, separated by about twenty feet. Dark paneling and parquet wood floors run the length of the hall, leading to a small seating area with two chairs and a table at either end. Windows on each side offer views of the surrounding buildings. The place seems nice enough, and at the higher end of the price range, but dental-office boring and bordering on sterile. Except that’s not something to share. “Sweet,” I say.
“It serves a purpose,” she mumbles as she unlocks her door.
Her comment, and the way she says it, raises another red flag. But I don’t say anything yet. Mostly I watch her, trying to get a feel for what’s up.
She waits before opening the door. “Do you want to come in?”
“Babe, you don’t get a choice. I need to make sure I know where everything is in case you ever need me.”
The air between us thickens. “The detective who brought me home last night didn’t think it was necessary,” she says in that cautious way of hers.
“Maybe he wasn’t as worried, seeing how the case is still new. But it’s getting a lot of attention, real fast. Did you see the press lining up this afternoon outside the courthouse?”
“Yes, I saw them.”
“And that’s just the start. Once the trial begins next month, it’s going to be a circus filled with bearded ladies and trapeze artists looking to smoke each other.” I motion in the direction of her place. “So let me do my job, so you can do yours without living in fear.”
“Okay,” she agrees. She opens the door leading into a small foyer and places her purse and keys on an antique table shoved against the wall. “Do you think I’ll ever need you? I mean, do you think Montenegro will target me specifically?”
“I doubt it. But it’s better to be prepared, you feel me?” I march forward. A large living room sits directly in front of me with a dining area and a kitchen to the right. The furniture is all antique, dark like the floors, and just as dull as the rest of the place. There aren’t any pictures on the walls, or vases, or any of that shit girls are supposed to like. It all seems staged and cold. “Did you just move in?” I ask.
She shakes her head, appearing confused. “No. I moved in three years ago when I started law school.”
“Oh. All right. Mind if I open a few doors? Check the closets, that sort of thing?”
“No, that’s fine.”
I scan the area while she removes her coat and walks into the kitchen. “Would you like some water? I’m afraid I don’t have much more than that to drink.”
“No. I’m good.” I motion to the left. “Bedroom that way?”
“Ah, yes.”
“I’ll be right back.” I make quick work of flipping her prissy pink comforter so I can look beneath the queen-sized bed before moving to the walk-in closet and then the bathroom. The bedroom has that same dark furniture, and her closet more of the frumpy clothes she wears, but even that’s limited to a few pairs of pants, blouses, and those damn spinster shoes. The place doesn’t seem right. It’s clean and all that, but I can’t shake the feeling that something’s off.
She says she’s lived here for three years. But there’s nothing of Tess in here. Nothing.
“Is everything okay?”
I glance up to find her standing in the doorway, fiddling with her hands. “All clear,” I answer, my voice monotone.
“Thank you.” She starts to head back into the living room, but then changes her mind and faces me again. “How long will you be here?” she asks.
“I’ll be outside watching the place till Lu takes over at midnight. She’ll take you to the office tomorrow. The detectives there will cover you
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