One Night With a Santini
campaign to win her heart. She had been hurt by Glen. He hadn’t pushed her, but he knew that a woman like Kaitlin didn’t walk away from her commitments. So, although it would drive him insane, he would go slowly.
    “I bet you’re famished.”
    He smiled as he traced her delicate spine down to her cute ass. “I am in fact.”
    She chuckled. “Not that kind of hunger.”
    For a few moments, he said nothing. He skimmed his fingers over her ass. Yep, he was happy to stay like this for hours. Unfortunately, she slipped away and rose from the bed. Still, it did give him a good look at her. It was dark in the room, but he could make out the outline of her curves. He had always thought her beautiful. Now that he had seen the whole package, he was convinced that God had made her just for him.
    “Stop what?” he asked as she pulled on her panties.
    “Stop staring. It makes me self-conscious.”
    He smiled. “I can’t.”
    He reached out and grazed the back of his knuckle against her nipple. She batted it away.
    “If you start that up again, we might just expire from lack of food.”
    Knowing he had lost the battle, he rose out of bed and stretched his hands over his head. When he turned around, he realized Kaitlin’s gaze had been focused on his ass.
    Her face turned the most adorable shade of pink.
    “Sorry,” she mumbled.
    He walked over to her and cupped her face. “You can look all you want. I plan on looking my fair share too.”
    He brushed his mouth over hers and forced himself to move away from her. She was right. They both needed to eat. “I’ll be right back.”
    She nodded and he could feel her gaze on his back as he stepped into the bathroom and shut the door. He closed his eyes and tried this best to get his heartbeat under control. The woman was going to be the death of him, that was for sure. Every little thing she did got to him. She had been a tiger in the bed, but the way she blushed told him that she wasn’t that experienced.
    He sighed. He needed to quit mooning over her and get down to work. The sooner she understood what he wanted, the easier it would be to convince her over to his side.
    * * * *
    Kaitlin grabbed a nightshirt. She spotted the white shirt lying on the chair beside the bed. After putting back the nightshirt, she picked up his shirt.
    She was buttoning it up, when Brando said, “I like my shirt on you.”
    Turning, she found him leaning against the doorjamb watching her. “You do?”
    His mouth curved up on one side and he nodded. It was then she noticed he’d grabbed his jeans and pulled them on. They were zipped but not buttoned.
    “Let’s go find something to eat.”
    He followed her down the stairs into her kitchen. Opening the fridge, she was happy she’d hit the grocery store in preparation. She rarely kept that much food since she lived alone.
    Kaitlin bent down to look inside when the room started to spin. She blinked and spots appeared. She felt herself falling forward, but was helpless to stop it. Thankfully, strong hands grabbed her and pulled her back up.
    “Kait, are you okay?” Brando said; as he leaned down to bring his eye line level with hers.
    She blinked a few times and nodded. “Wow, that was…I guess I was more tired than I thought.”
    He brushed her hair away from her face and kissed her forehead.
“Come on, you sit down. I’ll throw us something together.”
    “You’re my guest,” she said weakly. Actually, now that she thought about it, she wasn’t really hungry. In fact, the thought of food made her stomach turn over. Dammit, she didn’t want to get sick. The flu had been going around with the nurses and therapists at the retirement home. She did not want it ruining her time with Brando.
    “And, you’re tired. What kind of guest would I be if I didn’t take care of you? My mother would be appalled.”
    She smiled and allowed him to lead her over to one of the stools at the counter.
    “Want something to drink?” he

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