Chaplin, Charles, 383, 449, 452, 504
Chappell, Ernest, 462
Chekhov, Anton, 19, 365, 536
Cherry Orchard, The (Chekhov), 297, 315
Chesterton, G.K., 103, 418
Chicago (‘The Windy City’),3, 5, 8, 9, 16–30, 61, 115, 128, 137–8, 150, 151, 159, 175, 184, 295, 358, 436, 542, 543–4; arts and architecture in, 16–17, 18–19, 21; première of Citizen Kane , 561–2; theatre and opera in, 19, 22–3, 83, 156, 446, 447, 448; Welles family move to (1918), 15, 17–18; Woodstock/Todd Theatre Festival (1934), 155–76; World’s Fair, 160–1, 175
Chicago Art Institute, 18, 24, 72
Chicago Drama League,137–8, 156
Chicago Herald American , 60–1
Chicago Herald and Examiner , 161, 167, 171
Chicago Little Theatre, 19
Chicago Memorial Hospital, death of Beatrice Welles in (1924), 29
Chicago Opera, 19
Chicago Sunday Tribune , 517
Chicago Tribune , 142, 150, 162, 166, 168
Children’s Hour, The , 250
Chimes at Midnight (film), 435, 441, 442
Chimes at Midnight (play),441
China, Welles’s visits to, 49, 50, 52, 54–5, 58–9, 131
Chinese Theatre, Bowery, 210
Chippewa Indian reservation, 115, 122
Christian Science Monitor , 442
Christians, Mady, 363
Christina (Blitzstein song), 393
Cibber, Colley, 322
cinematography (for Citizen Kane ), 476, 498, 499–503, 505, 507, 508, 509–10, 515, 521–2, 565, 567; continuous action, 501; feather-wipingtechnique, 476; realism, 501, 502, 506, 512, 524, 525; seamlessness, 501–2; subjective camera technique, 468–9, 470, 476; universal focus, 502–3
CIO, 301
Circle, The (Maugham), 105
Citadel, The (radio play), 463
Citizen Kane (film), xii, xiii, 60, 64, 121, 184, 201, 262, 327, 432, 484–9, 491, 493–539, 542, 543, 546, 560–75, 577–8; art work/design, 498, 503; cinematography, 498,499–503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509–10, 515, 521–2, 565, 567; commercial failure of, 575, 577; dispute over authorship of screenplay, 517–19; Hearst’s objections to, and attempts to suppress, 530–9, 548–50, 552, 555–8; make-up, 505–6, 574; Oscar nominations, 577–8; premières of, 561–2; release of (1941), 558–9, 560; reviews, 562–70, 572; screenplay, 488, 493–5, 497–8, 503, 504–5, 507–8, 577–8; soundand music effects, 521, 524–7, 536, 565, 566; Souvenir Booklet, 527, 573–5; special effects, 521–3, 524; trailer, 558–9
Clarence (Tarkington: radio play), 418
Clarke, David, 293–4
Clay, Jean, ix, 42
Clayton, John, 160–1
Clipper, The magazine, 565, 572
Clurman, Harold, 210, 213–14, 314, 347, 355, 414, 416
CM Hall Lamp Company of Detroit, 15
Cochran, C.B., 347
Cocteau, Jean, 176, 241, 242
Cohan, George M., 210, 214, 447, 555, 557
Collins, Charles, 159, 160, 166, 170
Collins, Ray, 305, 418, 470, 514, 543
Coulouris, George, 313, 327, 336, 337, 338, 349, 359, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 379, 391, 418, 470, 503
Colum, Padraic, 102, 105
Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), 556; His Honor the Mayor broadcast by, 556–7; Mercury Theatre ofthe Air ( First Person Singular ), 370–80, 387–9, 391, 394; The War of the Worlds , 398–408; withdraws from sponsorship, 408
Columbia Management, 451, 489
Columbia Workshop , 304, 332, 371, 372
Columbian Exposition, Chicago (1893), 16
Comédie Française, Paris, 319, 415
Comedy Theatre, New York, 310, 311, 342; see also Mercury Theatre
Comingore, Dorothy, 503–4, 512, 515, 520,559, 569
Commomveal , 310, 552, 565
Communism, American Communist Party, 203–4, 248, 249, 291, 295, 301, 394, 551–2, 553, 557, 570
Composers’ Collective, 289
Conan Doyle, Arthur, 383
concept production, 222, 315, 364, 389–90
Conjur’ Man Dies , 228
Connelly, John, 78
Connelly, Marc, 221, 256–8
Conrad, Joseph, Heart of Darkness , 412,418, 463, 464–72, 476–7, 480
Conroy, Michael, 81, 82
Constant Nymph, The , 159
Cooke, Alistair, 345–6
Copeau, Jacques, 46, 213
Copland, Aaron, 255, 289–90; The Second Hurricane , 302–3
Coquelin, Benoît Constant, 93
Coriolanus (Shakespeare), 100,
Alex Van Tol
Monica Dickens
Dave Shelton
Regan Summers
William Dietrich
Megan Flint
Shawna Gautier
Mack Maloney
Caroline Spear
T. L. Shreffler