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Book: Outfoxed by Rita Mae Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rita Mae Brown
Tags: Fiction
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    He grimaced, then smiled indulgently. “You’re fond of him. He protected you when I was at my worst. I suppose I should be grateful to him. I’m not sure I’ve evolved that much. Just once I’d like to knock his fucking block off. I want to hear his teeth rattle across the floor.”
    â€œThat’s graphic.”
    â€œSorry.” He drained his cup. “I can’t help it. I hate that bastard.”
    â€œAnd you want to be joint-master.”
    Downcast, he said, “Sister hasn’t paid a call to me.”
    â€œSister is full of surprises.”

    Sister was full of surprises. She walked out into the Sunday drizzle just as Cody Jean Franklin pulled into the kennels. Cody was furious about Doug dumping her at her door. She’d had a whole night to get even more angry.
    â€œCody,” Sister called out, Raleigh at her heels.
    Cody turned, her baseball cap low over her eyes. She pushed the cap back. “Good morning. You must have gone to church early this morning.”
    â€œSix-thirty service. I get claustrophobic sitting there with the eight o’clock rush. Where are you working now?”
    â€œFreelancing. I catch a ride in the mornings and work at Shear Power in the afternoons. I quit waiting on tables.”
    â€œI didn’t know you could cut hair.”
    â€œI’m the receptionist.”
    â€œCody, what’s wrong with you?” Sister bore down. “Learn the print business. Your parents spent their whole lives building that business. It hasn’t made them rich but they paid for their home and sent you to college, and Jennifer will go, too.”
    â€œJennifer can run the business.” Cody feared Sister, but then most people did have a touch of fear about the dynamic old lady. “I’m not cut out for that.”
    â€œWell, what are you cut out for? You’re twenty-five. You can’t just do nothing.”
    â€œNot quite twenty-five.”
    â€œDon’t quibble. You know exactly what I mean.”
    â€œYes, ma’am.”
    â€œYou must have a special interest.”
    Sister whistled to Raleigh, who had walked on ahead. He hurried back. “Hard way to make a living but if you love it, truly love it, then do it. You’ve only got one life and you spend most of it working. Do what you love. I did.”
    â€œYou had Mr. Arnold.” Cody showed some backbone.
    â€œI didn’t start life with Raymond. I taught geology at Mary Baldwin College. Of course, I graduated with a degree in English but they needed a geology teacher so I learned. Funny, it’s helped me so much in hunting. Anyway, I worked. I taught even after Raymond and I were married. That was long before your time. I stopped when I had the baby. So there. Find something you like and stop wasting your life.”
    â€œI wish I knew. You make it sound so easy.”
    â€œIt is easy. You’re waiting for someone to live your life for you, Cody.”
    â€œI’m not. I’m a little, uh, rudderless right now.”
    â€œI’m talking to you because no one else will.”
    â€œGuess they’re talking behind my back.”
    â€œThis is a small town. The time to worry is when they’re not talking about you.”
    Cody laughed. “That’s one way to look at it.”
    â€œThere’s a rabbit over there.”
Raleigh could see it hop off in the drizzle.
    Sister put her hand on the sleek black head. “I don’t have any cookies.” She returned her attention to Cody. “I’m glad you came out to help with the hounds.”
    Cody pretended she was there for hound walk. “They need to go out.”
    â€œMissed a day hunting. Do you know last year I only canceled twice. Twice. And here it is cubbing and I’ve already canceled once.”
    â€œThe weather is—” Cody shrugged.
    â€œHave your parents talked to you? About

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