
Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Page B

Book: Overdrive by Phillip W. Simpson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phillip W. Simpson
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goblet, trailed off.
Michael smoothly continued for him.
    “Basically, by
sounding out other members of the council, we have discovered that the
resounding vote would be to use this technology to further exploit our current
monopoly on Shiva controlled trade routes. Metatron, myself, and to some
extent, you Gabriella, are proponents of keeping this technology under wraps
for the foreseeable future. If we start utilizing ships with the Overdrive
installed, then sooner or later one will crash or be captured and our monopoly
disappears overnight."
    Michael paused to
look at Metatron. The Demiurge was busy trying to remove stains on his robe
using saliva and his finger. “We’ve got you involved Gabe because not only do
you share our goal but you also have access to contacts and resources that we
    Gabriella knew
where Michael was going with this. “When you say resources, you are of course
referring to my Valkyries."
    Michael smiled.
“Bit transparent really. The Valkyries we’re hoping will only be used as a last
resort in case the Overdrive should elude Simbiel."
    Gabriella stopped
to consider. Her twelve Valkyries were the most powerful battleships in the
known galaxy. Makon’s defense budget for the last twenty years had been spent
in development and construction of these ships and she wasn’t about to risk one
unless it was absolutely necessary.
    “Unfortunately all
of my Valkyries are currently engaged on other assignments although I might be
able to help you when and if the time comes."
    Michael knew that
Gabriella wouldn’t risk her precious ships unless she thought she would gain
some sort of advantage from it. “Of course, if we should capture the Overdrive
data, allowances could be made for a few ships of the fleet to possess the
Gabriella feigned mock surprise and her voice dripped sarcasm. “Gee, I hadn’t
thought of that myself. That’s a novel idea. Now you put it that way I feel
confident that I will be able to devote at least one Valkyrie should that
simpleton Simbiel fail in his task."
    “That sounds
acceptable," replied Michael.
    Metatron clapped
his hands and stood, somewhat shakily.
    “Right then. If
we’ve finished up here, I’ve got an important appointment with two of those
lovely Ministering Angels. Michael, great to see you as always. Gabe, I take it
you’ll be off back to Makon.”
    “Yes Demiurge."
    “Good. See you in
six months." With that, Metatron, staggering slightly, walked up to the
throne and disappeared through the door hidden behind it.
    “Looks like its
just you and me Mickey boy," Gabriella said saucily.
    Michael rolled his
eyes again. “Don’t start Gabe."
    “Why not? I’ve
been telling you for years that an alliance, both politically and physically,
is just what we need at the moment. Especially the physical." She winked.
Michael sighed, “how many times do I have to tell you I’m not interested in any
sort of alliance. When Metatron passes on, I am fully confident that I have the
power and ability to succeed him. Besides, I’m not interested in women."
    Gabriella was
constantly surprised by Michael’s confidence in his own abilities. That was
what made him so attractive.
    “Well, you’re full
of yourself today. I wouldn’t be as confident as that if I were you. I may have
some surprises yet to show you.” She paused and let her frustration and
irritation show. “I take it you’re still seeing that Angelic pretty boy?
    Michael showed
surprise. She must have some spies pretty close to him. “How did you know”?
    Gabriella smirked.
“I have my sources." She pouted to show her displeasure.
    “What in hell has
he got that I haven’t?”
    Reflecting, she
added “apart from the obvious. I swallow and I’ll even take it up the arse for
you. What more do you want?”
    Michael flinched.
“Is there any need to be quite so crude. And for your information, I require
someone with strong moral character, a kind

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