Packed: The Enforcer: A Shifter Paranormal Romance

Packed: The Enforcer: A Shifter Paranormal Romance by Carolyn Faulkner Page B

Book: Packed: The Enforcer: A Shifter Paranormal Romance by Carolyn Faulkner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carolyn Faulkner
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behind her cracked up at that, and some of the gang in front of them were brave – or stupid – enough to chuckle a bit, too, but their leader seemed downright insulted, for some reason she couldn't fathom.
    "Why you little –" He lunged at her, which was exactly what she'd been expecting. She used his own momentum against him, grabbing his hand, twisting it around and back while she pressed the vulnerable area between his index and middle fingers mercilessly with her thumb, bringing him to his knees in the same split second that she brought out her gun, aiming it directly at the man's temple.
    His men barely had time to respond, but some of them were quicker than others, lunging at her until they saw her brandishing a gun at their leader, saying, "I wouldn't, if I were you, gentlemen. He won't be the first man I've killed, nor will he be the last. Whatever your original reason for dropping by, I'd say you've long since overstayed your welcome."
    The cavalry chose just that moment to arrive, which had the unfortunate effect of sending a situation she had reasonably well in hand right down the crapper. The White Lights reached for their weapons, but the home team had come in, guns blazing, having been warned about what was happening by Chappy, the barkeep. Unfortunately, their appearance startled Mari, who committed the cardinal sin of becoming distracted while holding a loaded gun.
    The man on his knees used his free arm to knock the gun out of her hand, and as she took a couple steps back from him, now defenseless against him, he pulled his own automatic and aimed it right at her chest.
    But as he pulled the trigger, something or someone knocked him down with a loud, completely horrified, " No !" and the shot went a bit wide – clean through her savior Tek's chest and Mari's upper arm. Despite his injuries, Tek was on the older man like the animal he often could be, reaching back to break the man's arm in order to get him to release the weapon he was randomly discharging in hopes of hitting someone else. Then he beat him into an unrecognizable pulp before collapsing on top of him, his life's blood rapidly draining out of him.
    Rescue – and the law, of course – arrived in record time, luckily, and Mari and Tek were both taken to the hospital, as they were the ones who were the worse for the wear.
    They had won, but at what cost?
    Mari was nearly inconsolable, and throughout her own treatment, all she could say was that she wanted to be with Tek. She knew he had no family, none that would admit to it anyway, and if he was dying, she wanted to be with him. At that moment, she didn't give a damn about what her brother or her sister-in-law or anyone else might say about how she was acting or how she was affecting the pack. She just wanted to be with him. It didn't matter to her how many times a stark-faced Cash told her that they had taken him right into the operating room as soon as he had arrived, and that no one would be able to see him until he was out. She needed to see him, or be as close to him as possible. He'd also given her the bad news that the White Lights' Alpha had silver bullets in his gun and had, apparently, wanted to see Cash to get rid of him and take over the pack.
    Luckily, the hospital in Hamden was a good one – thanks in no small part to the Alpha-Omegas charitable contributions, and the doctors knew how to deal with their...special situations.
    Since she was only half wolf, and female, things went a lot more easily for her, even with the additional challenge of the silver added into the mix. The docs stitched her up relatively quickly, handed her gauze and supplies with which to change her bandage, along with a miniscule amount of painkillers. She walked to the emergency room waiting room with her arm in a sling, circumventing her family entirely and running up the stairs to the waiting area that was just outside the operating room that Tek was in.
    And she steadfastly refused to move, to eat, or

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