Paper Marriage Proposition

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Book: Paper Marriage Proposition by Red Garnier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Red Garnier
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she’d be so happy to see two beasts like that near her person before, but the relief she felt thinking of the bodily harm they could inflict on Hector made her suddenly love that pair.
    “If you put a hand on David,” she warned with renewed courage, her nails biting into her hands as she clenched her fists.
    “I don’t need to put a hand on him to hurt him and you know it. I’ll just tell him the truth about his mother and see how he likes it.”
    “Lies, all lies!” Nearly bursting with rage, Beth edged backward, wanting to flee.
    “I’m not alone now, Hector,” she said, sucking in a calming breath. His eyes flared slightly and Beth remembered Hector saying how much he’d relish destroying the Gages. Well, she wouldn’t let him! “Landon is much more powerful than you are,” she informed him proudly. “And he won’t rest until David’s back where he belongs.”
    She didn’t know if Hector believed her, but in her panic-ridden thoughts, she prayed he did and put a cork on his threats already. This didn’t have to get so bloody. For David’s sake, in fact, she wished she could come to a satisfying arrangement in the most quiet way possible—but she knew her new husband deserved better. He deserved his revenge.
    And she was so starved for Hector’s blood, she wanted him to get it.
    “You’re mine, Beth.” Hector hissed out the poisonous words. “I’m here, right here.” He knocked his head with his knuckles, hard. “You’re weak, and I’ve got you, I control you, and I will have you again, you will come crawling back to me, mark my words.”
    With that, Hector spun around and walked away. Her eyes burned as she watched his retreating back until everything in her line of vision became a blur. The encounter left her limp. She fell in a pool of her own skirts, and sat back against the wall of the building.
    “God,” she shakily gasped, suddenly covering her face in her hands. How could a person you hated so much have given you the thing you most loved in the world?

    “Say, Gordon, where did my daughter run off to?”
    “Landon,” he said to his new mother-in-law, a chirpy, sunny woman with a confused, tremulous smile. “And I’ll find her, Mrs. Lewis, give me a moment.”
    The woman appeared bemused as to what he’d said and nodded twice. She really was deaf.
    Depositing her with Beth’s father, who currently got acquainted with Julian John, Landon scoured the gardens and opted to check the least trafficked entry to the lobby. The press was getting restless. They wanted their money shot and the success of their plan depended on Landon to deliver.
    He found her lying on the ground by the side of the long building. He spotted the midnight blue skirts of her dress first pooled all around her, her hair covering her profile as she mumbled angrily to herself.
    He halted in his tracks. “Bethany?”
    Her head snapped back. “Landon.” The breath whooshed out of her.
    He felt a sliver of dread at the sight of her pale face, as pale as the moonlight, her eyes as round as the moon but dark and terrified.
    “What are you doing?” he asked uneasily, stalking forward and dropping on his haunches.
    Bethany craned her neck back to meet his gaze. Her smile lacked conviction. “Hey,” she said in a quavery voice, then she sighed and rubbed her face with unsteady hands. “I was feeling miserable all by myself.”
    Landon was at a loss. He knew how to deal with his mother—a blunt, forthright woman who’d borne three sons and had survived a husband who’d put any alpha to shame. But Beth…she was so rigid and so wound up, fighting so hard to stand when her life had crumpled around her, he just didn’t know what to say to her. He couldn’t explain how easily he understood this, understood that she was looking for herself, for her strength, while at the same time searching desperately for a light at the end of the tunnel.
    He reached out and covered one milky white hand with his, awkwardly at

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