Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals Book 1)

Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals Book 1) by Erin Watt Page A

Book: Paper Princess: A Novel (The Royals Book 1) by Erin Watt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erin Watt
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and eight in the afternoon, it’s football only. The rest of the time, normals can use it. Nice, hmmm?”
    I’m not sure if she’s joking, because the limited access sounds ridiculous.
    “Why did the Carringtons object?” I ask curiously.
    “Astor Park is a prep school with a P.” Savannah keeps walking. There’s no quit button on her. “Every family in the state wants their kids to go here, but it’s exclusive. You can’t just have money to get in. Everyone that attends, even the scholarship students, are here because they have something special to offer. It might be that they’re great on the football field or can elevate the science team to win national awards, which means national press. In Jordan’s case, she’s the captain of the dance team, which in my opinion, is one step up from stripping—”
    Crap, that better not be why Callum suggested that this morning.
    “—but they win, and Astor likes to see its name in the paper next to the W.”
    “Then why am I here?” I mutter under my breath.
    But Savannah has superhero hearing because as she pushes open the front door, she says, “You’re a Royal of some sort. What kind of Royal remains to be seen. This school will eat you up if you’re weak, so my suggestion is to take advantage of everything the Royal name offers you, even if it means taking it by force.”
    A car door slams and a very thin, platinum blonde in skintight jeans and sky-high stilettos totters towards us.
    “Hello…um…” The stranger holds a hand to her forehead as if she’s shading her eyes from the sun, which is completely unnecessary given that she has enormous sunglasses covering her face.
    My tour guide mutters softly. “That’s Callum Royal’s girlfriend. You don’t have to be nice to her. She’s just an extra.”
    And with that last bit of sage advice, Savannah disappears, leaving me with this wisp of a woman.
    “You must be Elaine. I’m Brooke, Callum’s friend. I’m here to take you shopping.” She claps her hands together as if this is the most exciting thing ever.
    “Ella,” I correct.
    “Oh, I’m sorry! I’m so terrible with names.” She beams at me. “We’re going to have so much fun today!”
    I hesitate. “Um. We don’t have to go shopping. I’m good just hanging out here at the school until the bus comes.”
    “Oh dear,” she titters. “There are no buses. Besides, Callum told me to take you shopping so that’s what we’re going to do.”
    She grips my arm with surprising strength and drags me toward the Town Car. And inside is Durand. I’m beginning to love him.
    “Hey, Durand.” I wave, before glancing back at Brooke. “How about I sit up front with Durand and let you relax in the back?” I offer.
    “No. I want to get to know you.” She pushes me into the backseat and climbs in beside me. “Tell me everything.”
    I stifle a sigh, not exactly looking forward to making small talk with Callum’s girlfriend. Then I chastise myself for it, because Brooke hasn’t done anything but be nice to me. I’m not usually so judgy, and I force myself to lower my guard a little. If anything, it sounds like Brooke is more my type than the Royals, if random classmates of the boys call her an extra .
    She looks young, though. Really young. As in Callum could be her father young.
    “There’s not much to tell,” I reply with a shrug. “I’m Ella Harper. Callum says that Steve O’Halloran is my father.”
    Brooke nods. “Yes, he told me this morning. Isn’t that amazing? He told me how he found you just a few hours away and he was so upset to discover your mom had passed away.” She reaches for my hand, her bright smile dimming at the corners slightly. “My mother died when I was thirteen. A brain aneurysm. I was heartbroken, so I know just how you feel.”
    When she squeezes my hand, I feel a lump develop in my throat. I have to swallow twice before I can answer. “I’m sorry for your loss.”
    Her eyelids flutter closed for a

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