Parno's Destiny: The Black Sheep of Soulan: Book Two

Parno's Destiny: The Black Sheep of Soulan: Book Two by N.C. Reed Page A

Book: Parno's Destiny: The Black Sheep of Soulan: Book Two by N.C. Reed Read Free Book Online
Authors: N.C. Reed
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in the presence of these witnesses, to be recorded in the Royal Archives. Three days hence you will be escorted to your new home by members of the Inspector General’s office, where you will remain under constant guard so long as you shall live. I have spoken.”
    The official words said, Tammon looked at his middle son, a single tear falling down his right cheek.
    “It is better than you deserve,” he said finally, before leaving the room accompanied by his personal aides.
    Memmnon stayed a moment longer but had no words for his brother. He motioned for the Warden to remove Keen, waited for the Inspector General’s men to remove Therron, and then walked slowly to his office.
    He would sit there before his fire for long time that night, looking for peace that simply would not come.

    Parno stood before the assembled Generals, eyeing each on in turn. Division commanders, brigade commanders, their seconds, and Parno’s staff occupied the command tent of General Davies. Parno’s first major move had been to promote Davies to command of the Soulan First Field Army, consisting of both 1 st and 2 nd Corps along with all attached Provincial Militia. He had expected Graham to object, but apparently Parno had made his point to Therron’s puppet for he had simply nodded.
    The men assembled before him led the 2 nd , 4 th , and 6 th Soulan Cavalry Divisions, along with the 21 st Separate Horse Archer Brigade, a unit of horsemen specializing in archery from horseback.
    “Gentlemen,” he said finally. “You’ve been briefed on tomorrow’s assignment; I assume?” Heads nodded around the room.
    “Good. We attack at dawn tomorrow. Divisions will attack with two brigades abreast, the third in reserve, with all divisions abreast in that formation. As our line faces east, the 4 th will occupy the center, with the 2 nd to the north, and 6 th to the south.” He pointed to the map now hanging along the tent wall.
    “Note carefully our avenue of attack, if you will,” he continued. “This is not an all-out attack, but rather a limited action with set goals and objectives. We will advance no more than three miles before halting our attack, no matter how successful it seems to be moving. I want that clear from the start. Do all of you understand that order?” Again, all head nodded.
    “Excellent. There are approximately three infantry divisions on the Nor right that are not fortified, not dug in, and posting only a token picket. Our goal is to destroy those divisions in their camp. We will attack with the light of day and we will press the advantage for three miles, if possible. Why three miles, I know you’re wanting to ask.” A few heads nodded this time, others simply waiting.
    “At that point, you will encounter a unit that is in line, fortified, with artillery in support. While we could probably still take the fight to them, our mission tomorrow is simply to remind the Nor that they have bitten off more than they can possibly chew. And to start making them pay a price for invading our home,” he added. Several low growls of approval ran through the assembled commanders.
    “Understand something else. Our goal is to completely destroy these units and their ability to fight. We do that by attacking their morale, their safety, and their supplies.” He turned to face them fully now.
    “For that reason, the reserve brigades will be carrying torches. They will fire every wagon, every supply and sutler tent, every house and every grain storage building along those three miles. I know,” he raised a hand. “I know that we’ll be hurting our own people in doing this, but buildings can be rebuilt. Homes replaced. But only if we drive these invaders from our soil first. And I promise you with all that I have, we are going to do just that.”
    “It won’t be easy, it won’t be blood free and it won’t be overnight, but when we’re finished there won’t be a Nor soldier left in Soulan.”

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