concerned him were his aim and his pistol.
Two bullets went out of the muzzle. Right after shooting JB grabbed back the handle with both hands, just that very moment he realized how lucky he was not to go off the road. The bullets flew through the air that glossed with white dust, going lower and lower, almost touching the ground. They almost fell down, but not quite, their target was reached. One bullet hit the tire, another went through the wheel itself, cutting the connection between the disk and the axle. The left rear tire of the car blew up and went off the axle, then jumped aside. The driver lost control of the vehicle. The gangster exhaled with relief when he saw as the car zig-zagged on the road and streamed to the hotel's parking area, where it hit the cable pillar and crashed at the building’s corner. The broken pile of metal released a sizzle and let out a white steam as a last breath of a dying mechanism.
JB stopped near the sidewalk, a few yards from the crash. He jumped off the bike and looked around, there were people staring at him from the windows of surrounding buildings. He took off the helmet, despite the air, despite that he was under watch. On his slow walk to the smashed car he saw a gas leaking from the tank, gathering into a puddle near the vehicle. He could not see much inside because of the thick smoke. Still, JB noticed some movement behind the air bags. Someone there was still alive. Bridgers was not going to ask survivors any questions, he just wanted to make sure that there wouldn’t be any survivors.
The backup car stopped near his bike, no man went outside. Yet, they were ready to give the boss a hand any minute.
JB noticed a sparkling electricity cable lying near the broken pillar. He slowly walked backward and negligently shoved the cord towards the pool of gas with his foot. In a few seconds, some of the sparkles fell into the gas puddle. JB didn’t watch anymore, he turned his back to those who wronged him. In a matter of moments, the car got absorbed with flames, the screams from inside were not louder than whispers to the gangster’s ear. He got on his motorcycle and went on.
The sirens sounded from far away. Police, firemen, ambulances, any possible service would soon would be there, although the last one would not be much use to anybody.
JB turned the bike around, when passing the backup car, he dropped the gun to one of the guys through the window. The other gangsters left the crime scene right after him.
The police were closer and closer. Jerry couldn’t go to the base, neither he couldn’t go home, that option would be even worse. The gun was taken care of, but he was driving an unregistered motorcycle. So he had to get rid of that as well, as soon as possible, and disappear from the neighborhood. He turned abruptly to the narrow alley, where he passed trash containers, some boxes, and other junk. Any path was safe where the cops couldn’t go through. JB needed to get to the pier where he could dispose of that motorcycle for good.
The destination was not too far, just a few more blocks. Bridgers reached the crossroad with the road that was leading to the pier, he just had a couple minutes left to the finish. Suddenly two police cars appeared behind him.
“Stop the vehicle!” a loud voice sounded from the speaker. “I repeat! Stop! Now!”
It went all over JB’s mind how they managed to get there so fast. It was like they knew where he was, the conspiracy paranoia got to him as it happened quite often lately. The motorcyclist stepped on the gas some more to elevate that insane speed even higher. He won some distance on the next couple blocks and went on to the seafront. Then he turned to the pier, switched lanes to the opposite one and increased his speed as high as he was able to. Several military class transportation vehicles appeared in front of him, so he had to bypass them with an extreme maneuver, which ended with riding on the sidewalk. Usually, there
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