Pedestals of Ash

Pedestals of Ash by Joe Nobody Page B

Book: Pedestals of Ash by Joe Nobody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Nobody
Tags: Fiction, Action & Adventure, Dystopian
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as official as possible. When he introduced himself, he emphasized his rank, but wasn’t sure the politician heard him. Handshakes were exchanged , and the honorable Mr. Farley continued, “Major, we are so happy that help is finally here. We had just about given up hope. Our people are hungry , and medical supplies are non-existent. Were it not for the quick action of Chief Thompson, we would have really been in trouble. Thank God the f eds have finally stepped in.”
    The m ajor shifted his weight and looked the man in the eye, “Mayor, I regret to inform you that we are not a relief convoy. We are on our way to Louisiana and need to pass through your town as quickly as possible. I’m sorry , sir, but I can’t lend you any assistance at this time.”
    Both of the men from Tyler ville were shocked. The mayor started to stutter something, but the chief found his voice first, “What do you mean , M ajor ? I can assure you and your commander that no one in Louisiana needs help more than we do. Whatever aid you plan n ed on delivering there is just as badly needed here.”
    The m ajor’s response was as firm as he could make it without sounding disrespectful, “Sir, we are not on a relief mission . We have specific orders that I cannot share with you at this time, but I assure you , sir, we do not have the supplies or personnel to render any assistance.”
    The mayor and chief looked at each other with puzzled, questioning expressions. Owens pressed on, “Gentlemen, I must ask you to allow us passage and as soon as possible. We are already behind schedule , and I am trying to make up time. Please provide an opening for us to pass through.”
    The mayor’s mood quickly turned ugly, “Well this is just a fine how-do-you-do. We’ ve been waiting for weeks on the government to lend us a hand , and now what do we get? We get more work thrown at us with zero payback.”
    The chief quickly joined in, “Major, we can’t just open a door in that roadblock and let you pass through. It’s not that simple. After we moved those trailers into place, the fuel was drained from the tractors and used for the hospital’s generators. We don’t have anything that can open a passage for you unless you have some spare diesel and a way to pump it.”
    The army officer was short on time, fuel , and patience . He was barely going to make it to the border with the fuel they had onboard. If the resupply convoy didn’t catch up to them soon, the Ironhorse was going to be stranded here on I-20 just like all of these other refugees. “Sir, I don’t have enough fuel to complete my mission, let alone fill up some of your trucks. We will move a couple of the trailers out of the way and proceed.”
    The chief had seen that coming and protested, “You can’t punch a hole in our wall and just leave us , son. We barely keep out all of those people as it is. If we hadn’t blown that dam and created this lake, we would be in serious trouble. Without that blockade , we would be overrun in a day.”
    Major Owens took a deep breath and exhaled. He wanted to remind these two civil servants that “those people” were fellow Americans, but clearly, the situation had deteriorated to the point where no words from a stranger would have any affect. Besides, it would open a debate he didn’t have time for. In the calmest voice, he could muster, he replied. “Chief, I’m sorry, but I don’t see any alternative. We don’t have the time to go around. How about if we close the hole after we pass through? Would that work?”
    The two older men looked at each other , and the mayor finally shrugged his shoulders, “I guess so , M ajor. At least we won’t be any worse off. Besides, what we are going to do – fight the U.S. Army?”
    It was almost dark by the time the Ironhorse had crossed town and was proceeding toward the state line again. Owens radioe d his status to his commanding g eneral back in Dallas and then requested the information on the status

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