Persephone the Phony (Goddess Girls)
made shooing motions with her hands. As her three friends swept inside, she caught the door before it could close and peered into the gym. It was round and open to the star-filled sky. Flaming torches had been placed at intervals around its perimeter. In the middle, on a raised platform, Apollo plucked at his kithara, a seven-stringed lyre, while Dionysus blew on his double-reeded aulo s.
    Persephone shut the door. Pacing back and forth in front of it, she decided to give Hades ten more minutes to show up. After that she'd just have to swallow her embarrassment at being stood up and go in alone.
    "Hi, Persephone!" Pheme called out. Stepping down from a chariot, she approached the gym. Her white linen chiton was cinched at the waist by a thin silver belt, and her spiky orange hair was even spikier than usual. "Waiting for someone?" she asked. Her words puffed into the night air in little cloud letters that quickly faded away.
    Persephone eyed her warily. "Maybe."
    "Ooh, a godboy, I bet. What's his name?"
    Persephone shook her head. "I'm not saying."
    "Please," pleaded Pheme. "I won't tell." Lifting her
    hand, she twisted her thumb and finger together at the corner of her orange-glossed lips, as if turning a key to lock them shut.
    Persephone rolled her eyes. "Right."
    Pheme giggled and pushed open the gym door.
    A moment later Persephone felt a tap on her shoulder. She spun around. "Hades!" she exclaimed, her eyes lighting up. "I was afraid you weren't going to come!" He was wearing a purple tunic that draped around his waist and over one shoulder. The majestic color suited him well. She thought he looked handsomer than ever.
    "Aha!" said a voice behind her. Too late, Persephone realized that Pheme hadn't disappeared into the gym after all. She'd been hovering in the open doorway. Now the door banged shut behind her. No doubt she
    couldn't wait to spread rumors about Persephone and Hades!
    "Sorry I'm late," Hades said. "Just as I was leaving, Charon delivered a huge boatload of shades. One of them tried to escape, and Cerberus took after him. Then a fight broke out between the shades of two men who fought as enemies in the Trojan War." He sighed. "It took me a while to help sort things out."
    "It's okay," said Persephone, touching his arm. "You're here now."
    Hades smiled down at her. "You look beautiful."
    Persephone blushed. "Thanks." Feeling self-conscious, she straightened the wreath of daisies atop her red curls. Demeter had made her a gorgeous saffron yellow chiton. Woven through the fabric were sparkling gold and silver
    threads. But the black velvet cloak she'd thrown over the dress had been her idea.
    Aphrodite had rolled her eyes when she saw it. "Interesting fashion statement," she'd said. Persephone didn't care. The combination of light and dark suited her just right.
    Hades peered toward the door. "I suppose we have to go in," he said grimly. He didn't sound like he was looking forward to it.
    "You're not nervous, are you?" asked Persephone. "My friends will like you. I promis e. Just be yourself."
    Hades frowned.
    "Only perhaps not so gloomy," Persephone added. "It is a party, after all."
    "I'll try," said Hades. He reached for her hand. The two of them entered the gym, but as they started toward
    the band, they found their way blocked by a couple of godboys.
    Just beyond them stood Pheme. "I'm sorry," she mouthed to Persephone. She certainly hadn't wasted any time! And though she probably hadn't meant any harm, as usual her gossip had stirred up trouble.
    Ares stood with his legs apart, his arms crossed in front of his chest. "What are you doing here, Deathboy?" he sneered.
    "Yeah," said the beefy-looking godboy next to him. "You don't belong here."
    Hades' grip on Persephone's hand tightened.
    Ares frowned at his companion. "Let me handle this, Kydoimos." Stepping forward, he poked his finger in Hades' chest. "Why don't you go back to that stinkhole you call home?"
    Scowling, Hades

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