Pestilence: A Medical Thriller

Pestilence: A Medical Thriller by Victor Methos Page A

Book: Pestilence: A Medical Thriller by Victor Methos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Victor Methos
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Medical, Thrillers, Retail
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guardsman raised his rifle, and he realized that wasn’t what was going on.
    The butt of the rifle hit his nose so hard that he flew off his feet. Men were shouting, and fists were flying before he heard shots and screaming. As he tried to get up, a guardsman slammed his rifle into him, and he fell back to the sand, staring up at the moonlit sky through a fog.

    Ian leaned the seat back in the Audi and glanced over at Katherine. She had cried for nearly fifteen minutes straight and then sobbed a few more before quieting down. When she was calm enough, he asked, “You hungry?”
    She looked at him in amazement and then back out at the road.
    “Well , I’m hungry. You know anywhere good around here? I feel like Mexican.”
    She was quiet a long while and then said, “ Paiso is good.”
    “ Paiso it is. Let’s go.”
    She got off on the next exit , and they headed through a somewhat rundown part of the city Ian wasn’t familiar with. The addresses had only street names instead of numbers, and most of the stores had bars on the windows.
    “How’s a good girl like you know about this part of the city?”
    “I used to work here.”
    “ Doing what?”
    “Delivering meals.”
    “To who?”
    “Homeless youth.”
    He laughed. “Really? Wow, what an incredible waste of time.”
    “They’re kids,” she said quietly.
    “Let me tell you something, Katherine. I’ve been everywhere in the world and met all kinds of people, and you know the one principle that applies to all of them? They are in their life exactly where their past thoughts have brought them. Our thoughts are what make us who we are. You keep thinking negative thoughts, and that’s all you’re going to bring into your life. Bailing out those that haven’t mastered themselves doesn’t help either person. It’s actually an embarrassment to both.”
    “What about you?” she asked. “Did your thoughts bring you here?”
    “They did,” he said, looking out the window as they passed dimly lit liquor stores and fast-food restaurants with thick, bulletproof glass in the drive-throughs.
    “So you thought about killing people?”
    “No, I thought about efficiency. That’s what I do. I’m an efficiency expert in an industry where that is sorely lacking.”
    After t urning into a lot filled to the brim with cars, Katherine parked in back near the dumpsters and they walked to the entrance. A line stretched in front of the restaurant, and they were told it would be a half-hour wait. Ian checked his watch.
    “Do you want to find somewhere else?” she said.
    He took out a wad of hundred dollar bills and went to the hostess. He whispered , “Beauty is a terrible thing not to reward.” Then he slipped her three hundred dollar bills. She took two menus and, without calling any names, sat them by the window.
    “You paid three hundred dollars to eat here?” Katherine asked when the hostess had left.
    “You can’t put a price on quality,” he said a s he opened the menu and looked over the items.
    After he ordered a chimichanga with spicy mole, he handed the menus to the waitress and asked Katherine, “You sure you don’t want to eat anything?”
    She shook her head.
    Ian smiled at the waitress and told her, “Just me today.”
    When they were alone, Katherine looked around , and Ian noticed.
    “You could scream your head off right now . But that wouldn’t change anything.”
    “They would call the police.”
    “Eventually, yes, they would. But this is Los Angeles in a shitty part of the city. The police will take at least ten, maybe fifteen minutes to respond. And what do you think will happen in that ten or fifteen minutes?” He glanced over at a fat man in a suit who was accompanied by a woman dressed like a hooker. “You think he’ll come to your rescue?” He looked at another young man of about twenty on a date. “Or how about him? Or maybe you think these poor waiters earning two bucks an hour

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