Pet's Pleasure

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Book: Pet's Pleasure by Zenobia Renquist Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zenobia Renquist
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy
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then turned his attention to Lady Nimag.
    “Was that all you wished to discuss with me, Lady Nimag? I can understand how you would be worried for me and the fate of Panagiota if I had committed such a crime as purchasing from a poacher, but it isn’t needed.”
    “Of course, Your Majesty. I was only worried…for you.”
    “Of course.”
    “The reason I have come before you today is to discuss my boon.”
    Vieve moved to his side and whispered behind her hand, “Lady Nimag submitted a request to be allowed to accompany the survey team researching the galaxy to which Earth belongs. The team is staying the requisite three planets away at all times during the expedition, however Earth is listed as one of the five planets they plan to study.”
    “Why three planets?” Starling asked in a whisper of her own.
    Bekion said in a normal tone, “Our transport technology does not work at such a distance, thus the crew cannot be accused of poaching.” He waved Vieve away and looked at the woman awaiting his judgment. “I wonder why you didn’t consider your request more important than my pet and her origins.”
    Lady Nimag gasped. “Your Majesty, I—”
    “It would be best if I not decide on this matter now. Return next month. I shall give you a proper judgment then.”
    “Your M ajesty, please. The survey team is scheduled to depart in four days.”
    “Is it?” He looked at Vieve, who nodded. “Well, I’m sure they will make the trip again at a later date. Researching five planets takes time and multiple trips. I shall see you in a month’s time to discuss this matter again, Lady Nimag.”
    The woman stared at him in disbelief for several breaths. She looked as though she wanted to argue. Ultimately, she curtsied and left the throne room.
    Starling said in singsong under her breath, “Petty.”
    Bekion gave her a gentle squeeze but gave no other indication he’d heard her. His decision had been petty and he admitted it. It also served a purpose. All others would think twice before broaching the subject of Starling and her origins again, especially if they wanted Bekion to rule upon their cases with favor.
    The next person was announced. Bekion let go of his annoyance so he could give the case his proper attention. It was a simple dispute over an unclear border, which he solved by drawing a new border. Both parties left upset. In Bekion’s mind, that meant his decision had been fair.
    Pleasing one at the expense of another had never felt right to him. His mother’s rule had set such precedence. Usually the one to gain was in Tinette’s favor at the time. Her favor had come at a high price, which didn’t always mean money. Bekion vowed long ago not to emulate her rule. He planned to keep that vow.
    Starling’s head dropped to his shoulder, causing him to look down. She’d fallen asleep. A tiny shiver shook her body. She hugged her arms and burrowed into the crook between his arm and his chest.
    For the first time, Bekion had done something that mirrored Tinette a little too much for his peace of mind. He’d lied to his people to save himself. It scared him how easily the lie had flowed from his lips and how readily everyone had accepted it. It wasn’t a habit he wanted to form.
    Another shiver from Starling followed by a tiny sneeze made Bekion raise his hand. The man before him stopped talking and Vieve returned to his side.
    Before he could say anything, Vieve whispered, “Would you like a blanket from your bed or another?”
    “The smaller one.”
    She nodded and left.
    Bekion couldn’t help smiling at her retreating back. Vieve’s ability to predict his requests before he made them made her an asset he couldn’t do without. He overlooked her constant rudeness for that reason.
    Signaling the man before him to continue, he rubbed his hand over Starling’s arm to generate a small measure of warmth. Until that moment, he’d never noticed the chilled air of the throne room. The amount of people it held

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