
Philippa by Bertrice Small Page A

Book: Philippa by Bertrice Small Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bertrice Small
Tags: Fiction, General, Romance, Historical
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to her mistress’s mother but she did not know how to write, and had not the means to hire someone to do it for her.
    The queen was more tired now than she had been recently, and it was being said that it was her age. Her last pregnancy had worn her out entirely, it seemed. The queen intended to retire alone to Woodstock for the month of July rather than accompany the king on his progress. Henry was most displeased by this, but agreed. There were few to tell the maids of honor what to do now, not that Philippa would have listened.
    Cecily would not be going to Woodstock. She would be returning to her family’s home where she would be wed in August. It had originally been planned that Philippa come with her, but now with Giles having repudiated any match with Philippa Meredith, the earl of Renfrew and his wife felt it best that Philippa not come.
    “I fear a visit to our hall at this time would but bring back memories of Giles for you, my dear,” Edward FitzHugh had told Philippa. “Your previous visits were such happy ones. Your righteous sorrow, and your anger over my son’s decision, or any attempt you might make to conceal it, would but put a pall upon Cecily’s wedding day. I know you would not want to do that to she who has been your best friend, even as I know you will understand this decision that the Lady Anne and I have made in this matter.”
    Wordlessly, quick tears running down her cheeks, Philippa nodded. He was right, of course, but still to miss Cecily and Tony’s wedding day ...
    “I have told my daughter of our decision, Philippa. I did not wish to put that upon you, my child. I am so sorry. My son’s thoughtlessness has made it difficult for us all. You know that my wife and I would have gladly welcomed you as our daughter, Philippa. I have told your mother I will help in any way I can to provide you with another match.”
    Suddenly Philippa found herself angry. “I believe, my lord, that my family is quite capable to finding me another match without your help,” she said coldly. “I will return now to helping Cecily pack for her departure tomorrow.” She curtseyed stiffly, and turning, walked away from the earl of Renfrew.
    A small smile touched Edward FitzHugh’s lips. What a simpleton Giles was. This proud young girl would have brought so much to their family. And then he thought that perhaps Philippa was too good for his foolish son. It was a great loss, and he forgave her her rudeness. She had borne up remarkably well in the face of her great disappointment and the embarrassment she had been caused by his younger son.
    Philippa returned to find Cecily weeping. Sitting down on their bed next to her best friend, she put an arm about the girl’s shoulders. “Your parents are right,” she began. “Damn your brother for this new unhappiness he has visited upon both of us this time. You will write me and tell me all about the wedding, Ceci. And Mary and Susanna will not have to feel you are neglecting them for me.”
    “I am closer to you than to my sisters,” Cecily sniffed.
    “You will come to my wedding someday,” Philippa said. “Believe me, my mother is already seeking eagerly for just the right bumpkin to husband Friarsgate, for it is far more important to her than I am.”
    “Will you go home this summer?” Cecily asked.
    “Heavens no!” Philippa exclaimed. “I only went for a few weeks that first year because the queen insisted. I have never been more bored in my life. Nay, I shall not go back to Friarsgate unless forced to it.”
    “Your life will not be particularly exciting this summer, as you must go to Woodstock with the queen rather than on progress,” Cecily noted.
    “I know,” Philippa groaned. “We leave in just a few days, but you go tomorrow, Ceci, and I shall be devastated by your going.”
    “Tony has promised that we will come back to court for Christmas. Until then we will live on his estate.”
    “Will you go there after the wedding?” Philippa asked

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