Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers)

Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers) by Melissa Thomas Page B

Book: Phoenix Contract: Part Five (Fallen Angel Watchers) by Melissa Thomas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Thomas
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    “Okay, that’s established,” Aiden agreed, laughing. “What about your dad?” Different mothers implied that at least Kieran and the twins shared the same father.
    “Do you mind if I borrow this?” Kieran asked, indicating the .45.
    After a hesitation, Aiden thumbed the safety into place and handed him the weapon. Since he had deliberately avoided her question, she wondered what was up.
    The twins exchanged a wordless glance before one of them spoke: “Jonathan McLachlan,” he said. “Father heard threw channels that Watcher Bunson had died, so he sent us to fetch you home.”
    Aiden’s jaw dropped. Her mind halted, drawing a perfect and complete blank. “Brothers?” she squeaked. Niall Talcott had only mentioned one. “As in my brothers?”
    “Look at that. She’s speechless,” Culkin cackled.
    “Hardly surprising,” Rory agreed sagely. “Going from being an only child to part of the McLachlan clan will do that to a person.”
    Past Kieran’s shoulder, she caught a glimpse of Tristan’s face split in a wide grin as he too reveled in her bewilderment.
    Kieran was the only one of the four who wasn’t laughing at her. He opened the chamber of the .45. Visible relief showed on his face when he discovered the weapon wasn’t loaded.
    “You three are my brothers?” Aiden repeated, indicating Kieran and the twins while excluding Tristan. She had to be sure she’d heard right.
    “Yep,” said one twin.
    “Yup,” drawled the other.
    “That’d be right,” Kieran agreed.
    Dry mouthed, Aiden swallowed. She felt like she’d been led to a dessert buffet and then told she wasn’t allowed to sample anything on the menu.
    “Damn,” she muttered, her disappointment vast and obvious, sending the twins into howling hysteria.
    “I’m still available,” Tristan volunteered with an amazing arrogance, an outrageous self-confidence that defied both gravity and modesty.
    “I doubt that Aiden is interested in cradle-robbing,” Kieran reprimanded, drawing an angry glare from Tristan.
    “I can decide that for myself, thanks,” she said, feeling a touch snappish. Not that she necessarily wanted to date Tristan, who was only two or three years younger than Aiden, but she disliked having her “older brother” speak for her.
    Kieran shot her a knowing look, and Tristan smirked, obviously assuming that her protest signified more than it actually did. Aiden veiled her exasperation behind a sigh and rolled her eyes. Men!
    Kieran had the .45 in his hand and was in the act of tucking the gun into his jacket. Aiden opened her mouth to protest when a shadow passed overhead and an oh-so-familiar aura of power spilled over them all like a fine, thick mist.
    Oh no! She’d forgotten about Magnus, and the Celt moved too fast for Aiden to intervene on the young men’s behalf. The Celt descended straight out of the sky, his leather cloak billowing like great black wings.
    “This is mine,” Magnus announced, snatching the .45 from Kieran’s hand.
    Aiden’s heart leapt into her throat, and her mind raced, shouting warnings, but her voice was frozen. The Celt’s boot caught Kieran in the side of the head with a kick that looked powerful enough to break a man’s neck. The force sent the young man flying into a hedge.
    Exclamations and curses tore from the throats of the men who spread out to surround Magnus. “Vampire!” shouted one of the twins. “He’s undead!”
    “Don’t hurt them!” Aiden shouted, finally finding her voice, but her plea fell on deaf ears. She hurried to Kieran and checked for signs of life. She found a steady pulse, and sweet, blessed relief flooded her.
    Rory and Culkin rushed Magnus, tackling the Celt from opposite sides. Arms outstretched, Magnus stood his ground and intercepted a twin with either hand. He rammed the pair together, creating a head on collision that slammed the twins’ skulls together. Aiden cringed as the red heads dropped to the ground and landed in limp

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