Plague of Memory
gentled my thoughts. "That is enough for any woman."
    Coupling with an ensleg proved an awkward business at first. There was the kissing to start with, of which I had no experience, and no small amount of apprehension. My fears turned out to be needless; it felt far more pleasant in reality than it had sounded in theory. Had he not been in such need, I could have spent several hours exploring what we could do with our mouths together.
    That Reever wanted me was, as with Iisleg men, something impossible for him to hide. An aroused Terran male's body changed from a bow to an arrow, and yet from the sweat on his skin and the bunching of his muscles, I sensed he was attempting to control himself. Teulon had done the same thing during the night that Resa and I spent together with him. I appreciated the concern, but I was not interested in Reever holding back with me, not when we were here and together alone.
    I pulled him down to the floor, and straddled him, holding his hands against my breasts as I opened myself to him. There was a brief interval of discomfort—Reever's shaft was very hard and swollen—and then I adjusted to the unfamiliar penetration.
    "Wait." He clasped my hips, and held me still when I would have shifted. "Let me feel you like this for a moment."
    "Wait. Yes." I took several deep breaths, trying to be patient, but he was hard and deep inside me, and I wanted to move. The moment he wanted was taking too long. "Reever—"
    He rolled with me, putting me under him, pinning my wrists to the floor when I would have embraced him. His eyes had turned to a bright, brilliant blue.
    "You're my wife," he said, punctuating his words with deep thrusts into my body. "My woman. My love. Mine."
    I could not think what I was. He was all over me, inside me, and the thing I had expected to be pleasant had grown enormous and hot and streaming through me like pulse fire, until everything was gone and there was only us and what we were doing to each other.
    He bent his head to say my name against my mouth. My name, not hers. It snatched me out of the delicious torment and flung me helpless into a dark place. He didn't come after me. He was waiting for me there.
    In that moment, at last, we belonged to each other.
    Someone must have reprogrammed the morning alarm chime, for it began to make noise only two heartbeats after I closed my eyes that night. I groaned and rolled over, groping for the panel switch, only to find another hand there before mine. Reever sat fully dressed beside me.
    I wanted to pull him down beside me; I wanted to hide beneath the linens. How long had he been watching me sleep?
    "Not long. I have an early meeting this morning," he said. He sounded much more relaxed than he had since claiming me from Teulon. "I signaled Squilyp and told him you would not be in to work today."
    "Why did you do that?" Rather alarmed, I sat up. "I am not ill." His hand stroked my arm. "I didn't let you sleep much last night."
    No, he had not, but I would gladly remain awake for more of the same. Last night had been a revelation, and not just of the ways of intimacy among the ensleg.
    Stop thinking about coupling. "I will take Marel to the learning facility," I said, trying to rise.
    He did not permit me to do so. "She has already gone. Fasala came to walk her to school. I will meet her when her classes are over."
    Fasala was Salo Torin's daughter, and a trustworthy child, but having her look after Marel did not sit well with me.
    "She will be fine," Reever assured me.
    He kept reading my thoughts before I could speak them. That was still annoying. "If I am not to look after the child, or report for duty," I countered, "then what am I to do?"
    "Go back to sleep," he suggested. "Later you can read or listen to music. Rest, Jam."
    I could rest when I was dead. Feeling bold, I tugged on his hand. "Stay with me."
    "Then there would be no rest for either of us." He pressed his mouth to the top of my head. "Don't kill the cats while I'm

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