Players of Gor
this understanding, as obvious and straightforward as it is, if brought to the clear light of consciousness, is likely to come as a revelatory and somewhat scandalous shock to the female. It is one of those cases in which a thing she has long striven to hide from herself is suddenly, perhaps to her consternation and dismay, made incontrovertibly clear to her. In support of the interpretation
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    are such considerations as the fact that these favors, in these games, are bestowed by females on males, that, generally, at least, strong, handsome males seem to be the preferred recipients of such favors, that there is competition among the females in the distribution of these favors, and that she who first has her "favors" accepted therein accounts herself as somewhat superior to her less successful sisters, at least in this respect, and that the whole game, for these free women, is charged with an exciting, permissive aura of delicious naughtiness, this being indexed undoubtedly to the sexual stimulations involved, stimulations which, generally, are thought to be beneath the dignity of lofty free women.
    In short, the game of favors permits free women, in a socially acceptable context, by symbolic transformation, to assuage their sexual needs to at least some extent, and, in some cases, if they wish, to make advances to interesting males. There is no full satisfaction of female sexuality, of course, outside of the context of male dominance. I wondered what the free woman whose favor I wore would look like, stripped and in a collar. How would she look, how would she act, I wondered, if slave fires had been lit in her belly. I did not think she would then be distributing silken scarves to make known her needs to men. She must then do other things, such as putting a bondage knot in her hair, offering them wine or fruit, dancing naked before them, or kneeling before them, whimpering and whining for attention, licking and kissing at their feet and legs.
    I saw again the woman in the collar, she who was stripped to the waist, she who had a brief bit of cloth tied about her hips. As our eyes met she looked away, quickly.
    I took a step towards her and she turned hastily away, frightened, and began to make her way through the crowd. I followed her, indirectly, circling about. As I had expected, in a few moments she stopped and turned about, to see if I was following. She stood there, uncertainly, scanning the crowd, looking back the way she had come. Had she been pursued? she did not know. Then suddenly I stepped behind her and pulled her back against me. She could not move. She was as helpless, my hands upon her beauty, as one locked in one of the body cages of Tyros.
    "Sir!" she said, frightened, stiffening.
    "Sir?" I asked.
    "Master!" she quickly said, correcting herself.
    "You are a slave, aren't you?" I asked.
    "Yes, of course!" she said.
    "Of course, what?" I asked.
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    "Of course, Master!" she said.
    "You have nice breasts," I said.
    "Thank you, Master," she whispered.
    I slid my hands down her body, to her waist, and hips, holding her all the while.
    "You have a nice body," I said. "I think you would bring a good price on the slave block."
    "Do you think so?" she asked, pleased.
    "Yes," I said. "But what is this cloth at your hips?" I asked. "Its quality, incidentally, seems a bit too good to be accorded to a mere slave." My hands, reaching about her, fumbled at the strings on her left hip.
    "Do not remove it," she begged, "please! "Please!"
    My hands paused.
    "As you are a mere slave," I said, "what possible difference could it make?"
    "Please," she begged.
    "Very well," I said. I removed my hands form the string, but held her in place, facing away from me, by the waist.
    "May I turn around?" she asked.
    "No," I said.
    She shuddered with pleasure, commanded, placed under the will of another.
    "There are doubtless slavers in the piazza tonight," I said. "If you do not want the collar, you should not court it."
    "As I am

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