Plunder and Deceit

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Authors: Mark R. Levin
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resists all relatively painless reforms that might slow the growth of these programs and enable younger people to gradually drop out of them. Of course, future generations do not vote in present-day elections. Burdening them with unimaginable debt has no contemporary political downside. These programs are actually worse than a Ponzi scheme, as the rising generation and its progeny are legally compelled to serve as a cash cow for as long as they can be milked.
    The minimum wage is declared a humane way to increase the standard of living for low- or unskilled workers. But most individuals who work in these jobs are younger people, many of whom are working in their first jobs, often part-time jobs, learning skills and gaining experience that will help them improve their future employment prospects or start their own small businesses. When the minimum wage is increased, younger people often face layoffs because employers, including franchisees and retailers, are working on thin profit margins or can find less costly alternatives. Moreover, younger people with limited skills who are looking for work are less likely to be hired. Wage increases only matter if, in the first place, you have a job. The statist increases the minimum wage despite its adverse effects on youth employment opportunities.
    The politicization and radicalization of the environmental movement into a primitive, degrowth, anticapitalism movement built on a foundation of junk science and emotionalism, and its commandeering of such federal departments as the Environmental Protection Agency and the Interior Department from which it turns countless debilitating and regressive regulations against the private sector, productivity, and innovation, directly threatens two centuries of human progress and the unparalleled American lifestyle. Its campaign to undo the Industrial Revolution and blunt the modern technological revolution will result in economic contraction while further empowering the federal government’s grip on daily human activity. The so-called Green Movement is, in fact, an antiliberty and antiopportunity movement aimed at changing the nation in ways that will deprive younger people and future generations of their full potential.
    Preserving the peace means being prepared for war. That is history’s lesson. The grave and mounting national security threats confronting America today, and the potential for future military conflict, make the simultaneous hollowing out of the United States military and imprudence in the conduct of the nation’s foreign policy (particularly in the last decade or so) profoundly challenging to the country generally and the rising generation most predominantly. No group of Americans should be more alert to these gathering storm clouds than younger people, for it is they who fight the wars and, therefore, pay the greatest price.
    The national debt—that is, the unfunded liabilities and fiscal operating debt—amounts to tens of trillions of dollars . The Government Accountability Office, the Congressional Budget Office, and numerous other public and private institutions have sounded warning alarms about the oncoming crash. But no serious or effective steps have been taken to address this simmering financial and economic implosion. It is, after all, far easier for today’s statists to dole out money not yet earned by future generations not yet born and be lauded as compassionate, thereby reaping media plaudits and political benefits for generational wealth redistribution, than to be accused of denying subsidies and programs to a growing list of “worthy” and needy recipients and suffer the media and political backlash. Nonetheless, the governing generation’s self-deception (or worse) does not and will not avert the inflating debt bubble, which will eventually burst and flatten the society, turning promises of utopia into the reality of dystopia for future generations.
    And at the center of what is

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