Possessing Allura
to some male servant like Willemo to keep her lust at bay, she’d do it; anything to keep her freedom, not to mention her chance of revenge.
    In the meantime she had in mind a little game – something to ease the worries on her mind. To this end she would need a few of her special devices as well as the helpless body of Veeta the slave.
    â€˜We are going to play princess and robber tonight,’ Allura told the girl a short while later, in the privacy of her bedchambers. ‘Aren’t you glad I got you out of the mean old dungeon so we can?’
    â€˜Yes, mistress,’ said the shivering girl, freshly scrubbed and deloused after her ordeal. ‘Thank you, mistress.’
    Allura so enjoyed the expressions on the slave’s face. Subtle as they had become, and as many times as they’d played the same games, Allura could still count on provoking reactions; a little sparkle in the eyes indicating fear, a slight furrowing of the brow, and of course the inevitable quaver in the voice. This was a fun game for Allura because she got to play a different role. Naturally she was the predatory robber, while Veeta would be the sleeping princess interrupted by the randy intruder. Allura was quite proud of herself for inventing a device to simulate a male member, which she could attach to herself by means of a harness. Made of smooth metal, the shaft was a silver replica of the cock of her father’s favorite horse, making it an especially humiliating thing for the highborn Saraveeta, who was in effect being fucked by a horse-cock.
    â€˜What does it feel like?’ Allura would always ask, and then teasing she would add, ‘We should try the real thing, now that we have you stretched so well.’
    The silver horse penis was attached to a wide belt, with connecting straps that fitted between the princess’ legs, and as an added treat for her she could install various devices that would insure her own continuous arousal while she was fucking the slave girl.
    Veeta had been stretched well, indeed, and she could take a substantial amount of the huge cock, in both channels as well as in her mouth.
    â€˜You are sucking a horse cock, Veeta,’ Allura would make sure to remind her as she performed on the silver shaft. ‘For the millionth time, aren’t you sorry for ever thinking you were more lovely and desirable than me?’
    Allura readied herself now for their game. In her guise as robber she would sneak into the bedchamber, the cock firmly in place and assault the defenseless princess. For the occasion Allura would dress her childhood friend in a splendidly sheer and regal nightgown, and even do her hair and make-up. This would make Veeta cry, because it reminded her of all she’d lost.
    Allura thought it funny to set up these little contrasts. Certainly Veeta was tortured by them, for it was ever so much crueler to wear finery time and again, only to be stripped and forced to eat on all fours from a bowl.
    For the night’s game she was spending lots of time with Veeta’s hair, making the girl sit in her golden chair while she employed the dreaded silver brush.
    â€˜The Baron Montreico fancies to marry me,’ she told her slave girl, as though it was some free offer she was considering. ‘Do you think him a good catch?’
    Veeta wore a red negligee, low-cut, barely covering her nipples. The hem rode so far up as she sat that Allura could see her pink lips at the apex of her slightly parted legs. ‘I… I don’t know about such things.’ She looked anxiously at her mistress, knowing a wrong answer could land her an extra beating.
    â€˜Is he handsome? Does he make you wet?’
    The thighs of the girl clamped together abruptly. ‘Please, don’t make me answer, mistress.’
    â€˜What? Is this modesty coming from a slave?’ Allura aimed the brush at her stomach. ‘Shall I have your belly sliced open to learn your

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