Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field

Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field by Melissa Nathan Page A

Book: Pride, Prejudice and Jasmin Field by Melissa Nathan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Nathan
Tags: Fiction, General, Contemporary Women
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nodded. ‘Mmm, tragic isn’t it?’
    Five minutes into the journey George could hold the question in no longer. ‘So what did you think of that blond bloke at the auditions?’
    ‘Shame on you, you hussy. And Simon only just out of sight.’
    George sighed.
    ‘I thought you could eat him for dinner,’ said Jazz. ‘I hope you’ll both be very happy.’
    George was delighted. ‘He’s so cute, isn’t he? I’ll die if I don’t get a part.’ She started humming.
    ‘What if you get a part and he doesn’t?’ said Jazz. ‘Who’ll die then?’
    ‘I’ll die then too,’ said George definitely. She continued humming.
    ‘Right you are,’ said Jazz, watching the road contentedly.
    As Jazz ran up the stairs into her flat, she could hear George’s car drive off down the road. Mo’s light
    was off, so Jazz went straight into her room and started getting undressed. When the phone rang she rushed to get it with her toothbrush still in her mouth.
    ‘Hello?’ she whispered
    ‘You’re Lizzy!’ came a breathless squeal down the phone.
    ‘You’re Lizzy, I’m Jane and rehearsals start next Monday. I’ve just picked up the message on my answerphone. You’re Lizzy? repeated an overjoyed George. ‘I’m Jane. Rehearsals start next Monday.
    I’ve just pick—’
    ‘Yes I heard what you said,’ said Jazz. ‘Bloody hell.’ Excitement welled up inside her. ‘Are you sure?’
    George was hyperventilating.
    ‘It was Sandie, Harry’s PA,’ she gasped. ‘She said I was Jane Bennet and please could I phone my sister, Jasmin Field - that’s you - and let her know she’s got the part of Lizzy Bennet. Lizzy Bennet, Jazz. Oh, and Mo’s got a part too. I think she’s Charlotte Lucas.’
    There was silence.
    ‘Jazz? Are you there?’
    ‘Yes. Yes, I’m here.’
    ‘Well, what do you think?’
    She smiled slowly. ‘I think Harry Noble is remarkably shrewd for someone with bad eyesight,’ she smiled.

Chapter 6
    Jazz stopped in her tracks. Mo was standing in the kitchen wearing a fresh white tracksuit and gleaming trainers. She looked like a short fat ghost with a perm.
    ‘I’m going to get fit and slim and beautiful,’ announced Mo. ‘I’m on a diet as of today and I’m on my way to join the gym. Wish me luck.’
    Jazz was staggered. If Mo had said, ‘I’m going to marry a Mormon and help look after his five wives,’ she couldn’t have been more stunned.
    ‘Why?’ was all she could manage to utter.
    Mo picked up her gym kit and brushed past her.
    Jazz followed her into the hall. ‘But you’ve - you’ve always said looks don’t matter and women only diet for men and life is obsessed with the superficial, and that’s why so many people are starving,’ she gabbled desperately.
    ‘Yes, I know,’ said Mo, ‘but then I thought, Hey, wouldn’t it be fun to be sexy?’
    ‘Mo!‘Jazz slammed her hand down on her kit. She couldn’t think of one cogent argument that would stop her friend. ‘Who am I going to eat chocolate with?’ she ended up saying weakly.
    Mo slowly peeled Jazz’s hand off.
    ‘See you later, there’s a whole gym waiting for me,’ she said, and then she stopped. ‘We can go together some time, if you like.’
    Jazz’s face showed such unadulterated horror at the idea that Mo simply turned and walked to the door.
    ‘Life’s too short!’ shouted Jazz angrily.
    Mo yelled back, ‘So am I!’ and slammed the door.
    Jazz looked down at her body. Sure, she could probably do with losing a pound or two here and there. But then she could also learn some Greek or go Flamenco dancing. Or have a hot bath, listening to a play on the radio. Or, more importantly, watch telly.
    She went into the lounge and turned on the box before she could notice how quiet the flat was. It was the ads. Skinny women (who were paid to be skinny) eating chocolate. Skinny women (who lived on apples and water) holding products and smiling. Skinny women (with bulimia) laughing into the eyes of

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