Prince of Fire
right in this.
    Joryn remained slightly behind his captive as they moved along a rocky portion of the trail. At least she was clothed once again, after having herself a quick swim in the cold mountain lake. Human females often covered themselves completely from head to toe, no matter what the weather, but the Anwyn Queen did not. The gold gown draped almost clingingly over her body, her arms and a goodly portion of her chest were bare, and he could swear the fabric moved in an unnatural way, as if it were an actual part of her body.
    He had simply been too long without a woman; that was the only logical explanation for his wandering thoughts as he watched the Queen hurry along the path as he had directed her. It had taken him many days to build the prison, to formulate the plan, to call upon the Grandmother's magic in order to sneak into and out of the Anwyn City unseen. Many, many days, days in which he had neglected the necessary pleasures of the flesh in order to complete his mission.
    In the days ahead he could lie with his captive if he desired. The Queen might say that she was waiting for her mate to arrive, but she was drawn to him in a way he could see and smell and almost taste. It would not take much in me way of seduction to get her to open herself to him, to unite Anwyn and Caradon in a entirely different way than she had planned.
    But he would not. The Queen was also a witch, and he was already too near to being enchanted by her. In his dreams she whispered something of great consequence in his ear. Perhaps those words were part of a spell meant to keep him bound to her, a curse that would take away his blessed freedom and tie him to the Anwyn Queen.
    No, that would never do.
    It was essential that he keep his focus on the matters which had taken him to capture the Queen, not the way her body moved.
    He touched the bracelet at his wrist, silently thanking the Grandmother for her gift. At least with this enchanted silver in place, the seer Queen couldn't see into his mind. It wouldn't do for her to know that she was in his thoughts so often. Besides, it was best that she use her talents to lead them to the answers they sought.
    Joryn increased his step and was soon striding beside the Queen. "Tell me what you know of the mutated creatures which were once Caradon."
    She glanced over and up at him, and again he was taken aback by the delicacy of her features, the fragility of her appearance. He had to remind himself that she was anything but fragile.
    "There is a demon," she began.
    "Yes," he said impatiently, not wanting to waste time on repeated information. "The Isen Demon."
    "He steals the souls of those who are dark, of those who are touched with evil."
    "Are you telling me that the Caradon who were affected were all evil?" he snapped. "That must be easy for you to believe, but I find it unlikely."
    "If you constantly interrupt me, then this conversation will not be done until the next full moon!"
    "Cease your rambling and get to the matter at hand."
    His captive, the beautiful Red Queen, stopped walking and placed her hands on her hips in a pose of pure impatience and disgust. The thin gold gown hugged her breasts and her hips. "Rambling and explaining are two different things, you infuriating, kidnapping, mocking Caradon scoundrel. Just because I have agreed that we have a task to accomplish, that doesn't mean I will tolerate your continuing disrespect. I am no longer your prisoner. I am now your partner. No, I am your superior, and you will treat me as such. I have attempted to be amiable, but my efforts apparently mean nothing to you."
    She took a deep breath, and her face flushed in anger.
    Joryn sighed. So much for his promises to himself, like it or not, he would lie with her before this was done. He was drawn to the Queen in such a way that he could no longer deny the blaze that danced between them. Jfe was male, she was female, and before this journey was over, they would share that which they both so

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