Prisoner of Desire

Prisoner of Desire by Mary Wine Page A

Book: Prisoner of Desire by Mary Wine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Wine
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Historical
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in England, from the silk necktie to the white gloves on his hands. He wore both vest and overcoat, every button gleaming from a recent polish. His officers were lined up behind him, looking just as neat and formal.
    Lorena stopped several feet in front of him. No one spoke, only the wind made sound. She stood sandwiched between them. It sent an odd tingle down her neck. Mordant didn't greet her. Instead the man began at her face and raked her with his gaze all the way to her hem. It was no hidden look either. He seemed confident in his right to look her over like a mare and did it while everyone waited.
    "Excuse me?"
    His expression darkened. "I instructed you to turn. All the way around, so I may have a look at the rest of you. Remove that bonnet first. Turn slowly."
    His tone implied he expected obedience. The officers standing behind him didn't appear surprise by his command either. Nor by his public display of her. Her gaze cut from side to side and her temper sizzled. Men were watching them from the walls and from their positions at the gates.
    Boys carrying water to the stables walked at a toddler's pace while they attempted to view the spectacle.
    Her patience evaporated in a cloud of steam no doubt caused by how hot her temper was. She
    clasped her gloved hands tightly together and held her chin steady.
    "I shall not make a public display of myself right here in the middle of the green." Her sense of modesty didn't send her denial out, it was pure desire to refuse him.
    One dark eyebrow rose. Only a fraction of an inch. But frowns appeared on the men behind him, hinting that her words were unwise.
    She did not care.
    Adam stepped forward, his gaze focused on her. Lorena stood her ground even when she had to lift her chin to keep eye contact with him.
    "Modesty is well placed in a wife." He lifted one finger in front of her face. "However, disobedience is not."
    He struck her, his open hand connecting with the side of her face. His glove prevented it from popping but he put enough strength into the blow to send her staggering away from him. Pain exploded inside her head, making her gasp for a deep breath or pass out from the blinding agony.
    Catching herself, Lorena returned to her stiff posture. She would not whimper.
    Adam studied her with a mocking expression. "You took that better than I would have expected.
    At least I won't have the chore of whipping immaturity out of you. That much is to be
    commended." He reached up to finger his chin. "My command here is absolute, madam. This fort runs on military discipline and there is no quarter extended to any soul residing behind the sanctuary of these walls. You shall follow my commands without a quibble."
    He lifted his attention from her for a moment. "Thank you, Captain Connell, for escorting my bride. You may return to the dock to oversee the provisions for your ship."
    "Thank you, Commissioner."
    Captain Connell turned with a sharp motion, his officers following suit. They marched down the path without a single glance back.
    "As for you, Miss. St. John, today is an excellent time for you to taste what it is like to suffer without the comforts which only come with obedience to my will." He raised his voice, ensuring it carried well. "You shall be barred from the commissioner's house for your defiance, and no one shall aid you in any way. You may present yourself in this same place at sunset and obey me, or I will have you locked in a cell for the night. You will remain inside the walls, madam."
    He turned his back on her. Every man with him followed him up to the grand house sitting on the top of the rise. It was two stories, with a wide balcony running completely around it.
    Floor-to-ceiling doors were open all along the balcony. It was a grand home but she would rather die than step foot into it.
    Adam Mordaunt climbed the stairs and disappeared from sight. Noises began to fill the yard once more. Sounds came from a blacksmith and conversation began to

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