Private Party

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Book: Private Party by Jami Alden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jami Alden
Tags: Fiction, Erótica
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briefcase and opened it with a flourish. “I have taken the liberty of booking you, the new and improved, complete with spine Julie Driscoll, a one week stay at the ultra luxurious Holley Cay resort, in the tropical paradise of the U.
    S. Virgin Islands.”
    Julie’s head shot up. “You did what?”
    “Don’t worry, I used your credit card. You know I love you like a sister, but twenty thousand a week is pretty steep for a second year associate.”

    “I can’t go there, that’s Chris’s resort. If I go there, and anyone finds out, the press will have a field day.
    This,” she waved the issue of US Weekly under Wendy’s nose, “will look like nothing in comparison to the chaos. Not to mention my parents will kill me.”
    “So what,” Wendy scoffed. “If you ask me, if they’d been more concerned with your happiness and less concerned with stock price and social status, you never would have married Brian in the first place. So, really, the whole mess is their fault. I don’t see why you’re so worried about protecting them.” While Wendy had grown up in a comfortable upper middle class neighborhood outside of New York City, she would never understand the pressure Julie was under to uphold a certain social standard.
    Nevertheless, Julie knew she had a valid point. No wonder Wendy was already on the fast track to making partner at her law firm.
    “Besides,” she continued, “who’s going to find out? I’m certainly not going to tell anyone, and isn’t Holley Cay renowned for its privacy? I mean, when Brad and Angelina went, no one even knew until a month after they left.”
    She had a point. One of Holley Cay’s main selling points, especially to celebrities, was the fact that the press never seemed to be able to find people there. Maybe it would be possible to disappear, if only for a week.
    With Chris.
    A sly smile crossed Wendy’s face. “Sounds pretty good, doesn’t it?” She picked up the glossy brochure.
    “‘We will go to any lengths to insure the pleasure and satisfaction of our guests.’” Wendy’s eyebrows waggled. “And from the look on your face, you’re remembering exactly what ‘lengths’ Chris will go to, aren’t you?”
    Julie felt herself redden at Wendy’s knowing smirk. New Julie Driscoll or not, she still wasn’t exactly proud of the fact that she’d slept with the best man on her wedding night, and said as much.
    Wendy waved her hand dismissively. “If anyone deserved a good fuck from a hot guy, it’s you. If anything you should be proud of yourself for taking initiative.”
    “I don’t think a meaningless one night stand is something to be proud of,” Julie grumbled. But she couldn’t prevent a smile at the memory of that night. Okay, maybe she was a little proud of herself.
    “Alright, wipe that ecstatic grin off your face. You don’t have to rub your good sex in my face, especially when it’s been ages since I’ve had any.”
    Julie highly doubted that, given Wendy’s very active dating life. “Not good sex,” she said, unable to resist the taunt, “Amazing sex. Perfect and amazing.” PrivateParty
    “Then I can’t understand why you’re not making a beeline to the airport right now.” Julie’s smile faded as she remembered that morning, waking up alone in the rumpled bed that still smelled of Chris and sex. A single sheet of paper was folded up on the pillow next to her.
    “Had to catch an early flight. It was great seeing you again. Thanks for a great night. Come down whenever you need a break from the rat race—Chris” They might have gone out for coffee for all the emotion it contained. She was pretty confident that he’d enjoyed himself—she had three empty condom wrappers and the sore muscles to prove it. Okay, so he’d said she should come visit. But she was pretty sure he only said it because he was sure she’d never take him up on it. He certainly wouldn’t expect her less than a month later.
    “We had our one

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