rest forever upon operative me.
Pig dog cast own eye to Magda, curl own lip, say, “No doing.” Say, “That one looks like a botched thirteen-year-old sex change.”
Could be fist of operative me lash,
, Pummeling Kangaroo, to silence host brother. Instruct more humble.
“Besides,” say pig dog, “I hear she bit the throat out of Reverend Tony.”
Devil Tony.
Trevor bitch menace more proximate. Curtain blond hair nearing enough bring reek cologne. Glaring electric bolt out blue eye.
Next then, pig dog departed, swagger bisect arena, approach females for proposition.
Next now, operative Metro venture proximity this agent, deliver mass thick quantity American dollar. Covert delivery. Followed operative Tanek, in secret bestow paper monies extracted out food plate at Sunday worship shrine.
Hands this agent stash legal tender concealed own trouser. Feet of operative me make small parade to follow pig brother. For offer sacrifice this agent to reproductive partner. Eye cast on ranked females, inside head, quote this agent, quote honored rebel, steadfast revolutionary Che Guevara, say, “I know you are here to kill me.” Quote, “Shoot, coward. You are only going to kill a man.”
Feet of operative me present best appearance before prospective partner, female Mongoloid featuring brachycephalic-shape skull, small nasal aperture, and projecting zygomas. This agent fashion pleasing mouth of smile, trumpet clear voice to compete music din, say, “Respected potential reproductive vessel, request engage preliminary foreplay ritual prior genital coitus…”
Mongoloid female, absent brow ridges, backward tilt ownface so display nostrils, nasal aperture to this agent. Female hand lift long tress own hair where lay down front of chest, hurtle hair backward over own shoulder. Nostrils flared, female say, “Shove off, freak.”
Next then, this agent approach negroid female characterized by mesocephalic-shape skull, wide nasal aperture, and receded zygomas. Hand of operative me extend, open to female, this agent say, “Specimen female, permit perform mating dance prior generate human embryo?”
Mouth of operative me assure equipped adequate chromosome so no burden society care for deformed monster progeny.
Respected negroid female fashion mouth to display frown. Rotate face to one side, then other side, repeat rotate to make head meaning “no.”
Next then, this agent venture near Caucasoid female featured with dolichocephalic-shape skull, large brow ridge, and receded zygomas. Feet of operative me rooted stance, breathing distance away female face, this agent own hands akimbo, fist planted atop each own iliac crest, say, “Esteemed Madam Fun Bags…” Say, “Request demonstrate superior anatomy as condition to receive generous deposit of alive male seed.”
Next now,
, Caucasoid female slap hand impact face cheek of operative me, sufficient violent so generate blood glow, swell outline of female digits on face skin of this agent.
Noise of slap hand impact reverberate repeat, reaching every corner dim arena. All female young casting eye so rest upon operative me. Madam Sweater Meat. Madam Jugs. Madam Party Pillows. All breathe whisper behind cupped hand. Make straight finger poked direction this agent. Madam Blouse Bunnies rest eye on this agent, open paintedmouth and insert most long finger so to mimic produce vomit. Madam Chesticles say, “Fuck’n loser…”
Eyes of operative me scrub arena to discover pig dog, only host brother engaged mating ritual dance. Abrading genital area against genital area of operative Magda.
Next then, backbone of operative me detect pressure, feel muzzle stamp of Colt Detective Special DA snub-nose.38-caliber, alloy-frame version, two-inch barrel, poke this agent spine junction thoracic vertebra twelve and lumbar one. From behind, male voice breathe whisper into ear of operative me, say, “You and me, Pygmy, in the parking lot, right now…”
Voice of
Nancy Kricorian
K.G. Powderly Jr.
Robert Low
Laura Locutus
Rusty Fischer
Andre Norton
Katie M John
Piper Shelly
Lyn Gardner
Stephen B. Oates