Rachel Donnelly

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Book: Rachel Donnelly by Lady Broke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lady Broke
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he was looking forward to watching them hang after they tried to kill him. Said her testimony was going to be what tightened the noose.”
    “She’s not going to Carson for the trial,” Nat gritted out. “Not if I have anything to do with it.”
    “Whatever you say.”
    The laughter behind Holt’s words firmed Nat’s jaw. A click of his tongue set Diablo in motion. Christie Wallace might be determined, but she was no match for his stubborn hide. If she wouldn’t listen to reason, he’d have to try another tactic. What that might be, he didn’t know, but he’d have plenty of time to think about it during the long ride to Virginia City.
    He’d be damned if he’d have the death of another innocent woman on his conscience.
    • • •
    “There’s a letter for you.” Mr. Brooker, gave Christie a wink, quite recovered it seemed from the robbery a few days before. “Third one from the top, if I’m not mistaken.”
    “Oh! Thank you.” Christie snatched up the bundle of correspondence from under the wicket before he could slide it half way through the slot. Then, remembering herself, she offered an apologetic smile. She glanced around the post office to see if anyone had witnessed her lapse in manners, but the place was deserted. It was late afternoon and most of the residents of Murdock had conducted their business early, so that they could help with the barn raising.
    Letters in hand, she hastened for the door. No sooner had she stepped outside and popped open her parasol did she hear a familiar voice hailing her from down the street.
    “Christie!” It was Leigh, striding straight for her with a bright feathery female in tow. “Wait!”
    Christie’s cheeks flamed. The sultry sway of the woman’s hips and the sensual curve of her lips brought to mind her own recent behavior. Despite the days that had passed, she could still remember the feel of Nat Randall’s lips against hers. The fire in her cheeks spread lower. The shame of it made her want to run and hide. But there was no way to escape without seeming rude.
    “I’d like you to meet someone.” Leigh beamed a wide smile. “Miss Candy, may I present Miss Christie Wallace, my cousin from Boston.”
    After a slight hesitation, Christie extended her hand to the young woman encased in pink frills. “It’s a pleasure to meet you … Miss Candy.”
    “Just call me Flossie.” She grasped Christie’s hand firmly to give it three vigorous pumps. Her black curls bounced up and down like the springs on a buggy under her bright, plumed hat. “Candy is my professional name. But all my friends call me Flossie. That’s my real name — Flossie Mae.”
    “Flossie’s just off the stage from Carson City.” Leigh beamed from ear to ear. “I’m showing her around town.”
    Christie smiled tightly. It took some effort to keep her voice calm. “I thought you’d be down at the livery helping Mr. Pike with the barn raising.”
    “We’re working in shifts. I told him I’d be there tomorrow. Besides, the whole town can’t come to a standstill just to build Ed’s barn.”
    “Yes, you’re right. So if you will excuse me.” She gave a nod. “I must get back to the mercantile. Uncle Will needs my help.”
    “I’m sure Pa won’t fall to pieces without you.”
    The sarcasm dripping from his words grated, but she managed to maintain a stiff smile. “If you resent him depending on me so much, why don’t you start pulling your weight?”
    “There’s no need to get snippy.” He gave Flossie a conspirator’s wink. “You’ll have to excuse my cousin. She’s not used to working for a living. I’m afraid the strain is starting to show.” He turned back to Christie. “You can tell Pa I’ll be there directly.”
    “I’m sure he’ll be pleased to hear it. He thought you were helping to raise the barn, so he’s loading the wagon to deliver an order out to the Sutton Ranch.”
    Leigh sent forth a hoot of laughter. “And your knickers are all in a twist

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