Ralph Compton Comanche Trail

Ralph Compton Comanche Trail by Carlton Stowers Page B

Book: Ralph Compton Comanche Trail by Carlton Stowers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carlton Stowers
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finally beginning an aimless journey westward that had brought him to the settlement of Thayer. With no plan and weary of traveling, he had decided to stake a claim and call it home.
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    â€œI was just fixing to fry up some venison,” he now said. “Climb down and make yourself to home. I bet I got an extra plate somewhere.”
    After they had unhitched the wagon and freed the mare and Taylor’s horse to graze, the two men entered the cabin, where they ate in silence. “Ain’t real proud of my cooking,” Barclay said as he brought two cups of coffee from the stove.
    â€œYou got no need to apologize,” Taylor said. “The task of boiling water’s a bit of a mystery to me.”
    â€œI’m guessing you didn’t come all this way just to bring my rig back and taste my cooking,” Barclay said.
    â€œI was planning on joining up with the posse that was going looking for the Benders, but the marshal tells me thatsituation’s done taken care of.” He paused. “But it appears there’re other things that still need tending.” He told the story of the raid that had occurred at the Barstow place.
    â€œSo it’s your belief that the Indians made away with two women, one who likely joined them willingly and another they captured?”
    When Taylor only nodded, Barclay continued. “You know, when we was riding down to Fall River, the marshal expressed his concern for you. Said he’d taken a liking to you but figured you had no experience at such things as tracking outlaws and felt it best you stayed out of harm’s way. The reason we set out after those folks as quick as we did was to get on the trail before you could get back.
    â€œNow, son,” Barclay said, “I’m wondering what your current plan might be.”
    â€œI’m gonna try to find them.”
    â€œSave one and kill the other, I suppose.”
    â€œSomething like that.”
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    Taylor was in the barn, grooming Magazine, when Barclay appeared and leaned against the doorway. “Most likely, it was Comanches who killed the Benders and probably was responsible for the other raid you spoke of,” he said. “A bunch of young renegades who haven’t taken kindly to the government’s notion that they should live in peace on land parceled out to them. They roam these parts and even down into Texas, causing their destruction just for the pure meanness.
    â€œMy guess is that they’re headed south now, down into Indian Territory, to see if they can sell the livestock they stole. There’s plenty of a sorry kind in those parts who wouldn’t bother to ask questions about where a cow or a horse mighthave come from. After that, ain’t no telling where they might have gone.”
    â€œYou know something of Indian thinking?”
    â€œA mite. Only thing I can say for certain is that they have no remorse about killing white folks, be they man, woman, or child. And that includes anyone of a mind to go seeking them out.” Barclay approached Magazine and began to scratch behind his ears. “Fine animal you got here,” he said.
    â€œTruth is, he’s not rightly mine,” Taylor said. “He’s the property of my father. He just allowed me use of him.”
    â€œAs I recall, your daddy’s dead now, ain’t he?”
    Taylor nodded.
    â€œThen I ’spect that horse is now rightfully yours by inheritance.”
    The barn fell silent except for the horse’s occasional impatient pawing at the hardened sod floor.
    â€œIf you’re of a mind to make this fool’s journey,” Tater said, “it occurs to me you might find some company of use.”
    â€œI can’t be asking you to do that,” Taylor said.
    â€œDidn’t hear that you did,” Barclay said. “I got nothing and nobody keeping me here. I figure in

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