and, together, they climbed Ivy’s long driveway in
Ivy called, unlocking the enormous front door. “Olivia’s here!” Her voice
echoed through the stone corridors. “Dad?”
followed Ivy to the kitchen. There, on the stone counter, lay a note.
‘Darling,’ ” Ivy read aloud, “ ‘I got your message, but I had to go out.
Regards to your friend Olivia.’ ”
‘Your friend’?” Olivia repeated incredulously.
threw her bag on the countertop. “I can’t believe it. He’s purposely avoiding
you because you’re human!” she seethed. “Well, at least we can do some more
investigating into our real parents on the VVV.”
hadn’t seen her sister so mad. She shook her head. “I think we’ve had enough of
parents for one week,” she said. “Why don’t we have some fun? Call Sophia and see
if she can come over.”
    A half
hour later, the three of them were hanging out in the living room, doing
impressions of the Beasts, when they were surprised by the pipeorgan doorbell
ringing. Ivy ran to get it, and Olivia and Sophia followed.
hi, Georgia,” Olivia heard Ivy say as she pulled open the front door.
afternoon, Madame Ivy,” a voice purred.
water!” Sophia whispered to Olivia. “It’s Georgia Huntingdon, the editor of Vamp !”
Olivia took a step to the side so she could get a better look, but all she
could make out over Ivy’s shoulder was a puff of white hair.
dad isn’t here,” Ivy was saying.
planning a story about a crypt that Ivy’s father’s working on,” Sophia
whispered. “That’s so cool!” Olivia squealed.
the voice inquired. “Did someone say ‘coooool’?”
stepped aside, and Olivia finally got a good look at Georgia Huntingdon. Wow
! she thought. The woman wore a luxurious emerald-green fulllength silk
coat, with jeweled buttons. She was also wearing bright red lipstick that
punctuated her pale face like a smear of blood. Her hair was stark white, a
beehive of curls piled atop her head and held in place with an emerald bat
hairpin. Olivia couldn’t tell whether she was thirty or three hundred, but she
was the most stylish person she had ever seen.
Georgia Huntingdon purred, smiling at Olivia and revealing perfect teeth, “is
about to be the new hot .”
like I said,” Ivy told her apologetically, closing the door to the cold, “my
father’s not home right now.”
I’m not here for Charles,” replied Georgia. “I’m here for you. And your sister.
I’m putting you two on the cover of Vamp .”
gave an involuntary scream of excitement. Ivy seemed too stunned to speak.
Georgia Huntingdon brushed past her and walked up to Olivia. She extended a
cool, firm hand. “Georgia Huntingdon, Vamp magazine.”
to meet you,” Olivia replied, shaking hands.
the look on your face tell me you are unfamiliar with Vamp ?” Georgia
are a high-fashion monthly, catering to vaaaaaa—”
    Vampires! Olivia thought.
Goth tastemakers,” Georgia finished, smiling coyly. She studied Olivia’s face
carefully, as if trying to detect whether Olivia had noticed her slipup.
decided to play dumb, since no one was supposed to know she was in on the
vampire secret. “Sorry, I don’t read your magazine,” she said, wrinkling her
nose. “I’m not really into heavy metal.”
laughed uproariously. “Chaaarming,” she cooed. Olivia exchanged a secret look
with Ivy, who nodded approvingly. It seemed Georgia had bought her innocent
sure your father wouldn’t mind me doing a shoot right here right now?” Georgia
half asked, half told Ivy as she looked around the hallway. “It wouldn’t be the
first time we’ve photographed in this house.”
shrugged speechlessly.
exclaimed Georgia. “Shall we begin?” She pulled open the front door.

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