Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
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our intelligence shows, they don’t know we are coming.  Usual drill, so let us keep it that way until we kick the doors down and don’t presume anything.  Sanitise and clear, that is the mission.  Shadow Lead clear.”
    A moment later, Benz was back on the same channel.  “Thirty seconds to braking manoeuvre.  Hang on to your dinners!”  Valerie counted down in her mind and braced a second before the anti-gravs kicked in.  The Helo went from hundreds of kilometres per hour to a complete stop in seconds.  It hovered over the landing site for another moment before Hans brought it down to rest.
    The ramp slammed down as soon as the Windsoars landing gear stabilised and First Platoon was out of the door, with Valerie right behind them.  Bickerstaff was already directing the troops to spread out and secure the landing site.  Everyone was dressed in identical black armour and fatigues.  The lightweight armour covered their body, shoulders, arms and legs.  Supple and unencumbering, it gave the troops excellent protection against the light weapons they were expecting, without slowing them down.
    “Corporal Nicolas.  Pick two soldiers.  You’re on guard duty for the Helo,” Valerie ordered.
    “Yes, Major.”  The Corporal pointed to two men and sent them out into the jungle around the clearing, before heading off herself to form a perimeter.
    “Sergeant Major.  The target is that way.”  Valerie said, using her wristcomp to orientate herself and pointing off into the dark.  “Let’s go.”
    “Yes, Major.  Button, you’re point and, Wester, you’re slackwoman.”  The two Privates nodded and Button led the way with Wester ten metres behind, in support.  The rest of the platoon moved off in a diamond formation, the point ten metres behind Wester and Valerie in the centre, Bickerstaff right beside her.
    “Lead, this Ops.”  The display in Valerie’s helmet showed her Gibson was talking to her over their one to one channel. 
    “This is Lead, go ahead Ops.”  Valerie answered.
    “All Platoons are down.  Two, Three and Four are heading to the target as per plan Alpha.  I can see One is also on plan.  Five is holding position with their Helo in defensive formation and is ready to deploy at your order, Lead.  Still no vehicle movement at the Target.”
    “Thanks, Ops.  Keep the channel clear unless the situation changes.  Lead out.”
    “Copy, Lead.  Ops out.”
    Valerie turned to Bickerstaff.  “All going to plan, Gil.”
    “Are you expecting anything less, Major?”
    “I always expect the worst.  You know that.”
    “It’s what keeps us alive.”
    She smiled in response to the grizzled veteran and it occurred to her, he would be forty-five in a few months’ time.   He had reached the highest rank an enlisted soldier could get to, yet he came from that majority of humanity without Life X.  Both Lieutenants Aycox and Vobruba were older and yet looked more than half his age.  She herself had lived over twice his years and could be mistaken for his daughter.
    Soldiering needed a young body, particularly the type Shadow Company was involved with.  Valerie made a mental note to start training his replacement.  Bickerstaff was not ready for retirement yet and he could still match or beat most of the company, so she did not have to put him out to pasture.
    It was times like this, Valerie wondered why Life X was so expensive.  The cost had never gone down since it’s discovery over seven hundred years ago.  Other drugs and treatments became cheaper, not enough to make them readily available, but enough to be within reach of many more than the Privileged.  Life X still cost a lifetime’s investment and without a powerful Family fortune, it was all but impossible to get hold of.
    Now she would see yet another excellent soldier be retired, his body too old to keep up.  For the Legion it was a waste of training and resources.  For Valerie it hurt her personally to lose people who

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