Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Page A

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
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were important parts of her life.  As they grew old, she stayed young.  Throughout the Legion, Officers kept a level of distance from themselves and the rankers who would age, long before the Officer thought about starting a second or third career.
    Valerie could not do that.  She wanted to have that connection to those who served her.  It was a bond and commitment she took seriously, investing her own emotional capital.  She truly cared about each and every officer and ranker under her command.  They knew it and because of it, she had a level of trust from them no other Officer in the Legion could match.
    Often Valerie thought it was due to her unique upbringing.  She hadn’t been brought up in a Family that would do anything to protect its power and privileges.  Raised by the Legion, she thought of every soldier and sailor as an individual.  Each one as good as the next.  No matter if they were Officer or Ranker.  Prior to finding and marrying Tom, Shadow Company were the only family she had ever known.  Even with a husband and children, her feelings had not changed and it hurt her to lose her people to something as simple as a drug.
    “One klick to target.”  Bickerstaff said quietly, breaking her from her morbid thoughts and switched to his com.  “Button.  Slow it down.”
    “Acknowledged.  Slowing down.”  The Private responded over the Platoons net.
    “Thanks, Gil.”  Valerie said.  “Let’s get into position.”
    The Platoon moved stealthy through the undergrowth, until Valerie’s wristcomp showed them to be two hundred metres from the targets perimeter.  The trees ahead of them were too thick to see through and they had to trust the map.  Valerie waved Corporal Malick Ulrich over.  He pulled out a datapad with a ten centimetre dish attached and swept it in the direction of the target.
    “No active sensors at this level, Major.”  He reported.  “I’ve been catching those aerial sweeps we saw from orbit.  That’s all.”
    “Thanks, Malick,” keying her com, Valerie called Gibson on the freighter.  “Are all the Platoons in position?”
    “Just about, Major.  Wait one,” the com went silent for a few seconds before his voice came back.  “Yes, Major.  We were waiting on Three and they have now confirmed.”
    “Good.”  Valerie switched to the command net.  “All platoons move forward.  Silent kills and we only go to rock and roll when the balloon goes up,” she ordered.  They would only use their Pulse Rifles if the enemy became aware they were under attack.  Like the Tea Chests, those phrases origins were lost to thousands of years of human history.
    “First Platoon.  Delta wing formation on me as point,” she said and moved off.  Slinging her rifle onto her back she drew a Thermal blade with her left and a Mag pistol with her right.  The Platoon spread out on either side.  The soldiers on her left and right, both off ten metres to each side and back five metres back. 
    The planet’s two moons were high in the sky, their light blocked by the jungle canopy overhead.  It made no difference to Valerie.  Her helmets night vision had been on since they left the Helo and it gave her an excellent view.  Despite that, visibility was only a dozen metres through the thick jungle.  She moved cautiously and placed her feet with care to minimise any noise.  Shadow Company could not use any active scanners.  They would be picked up by the targets security.
    In the same way, if the target used those same scans, it would become a beacon for the authorities.  Valerie expected to find spotters in this jungle.  Men and women sent out to warn the target of anyone trying to approach.
    With her eyes scanning the undergrowth Valerie let her mind disengage and filter through all the sounds from the jungle.  She ignored the sounds of insects, wind moving the vegetation, small animals scurrying around and all the other ‘normal’ sounds a jungle created.  Valerie

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