Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1)

Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Page B

Book: Reason For Vengeance (Dark Vengeance Book 1) by Adrian D Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adrian D Roberts
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concentrated on picking out the sounds that should not be there.  Thirty metres from the target, she heard an unnatural sound.  It was the scrape of something large and hard against a tree.
    Stopping where she was, Valerie knew the rest of the Platoon would do the same.  Not wanting to even whisper, she tapped a button on her wristcomp, flashing the symbol of a crouched person in their helmets.  Quietly, they all followed her order and crouched down, scanning the jungle with their senses.  Satisfied they were secure, she moved towards the sounds source slowly.  Every step placed with the utmost precision.
    The gentle inhale and exhale of breath drifted out of the night.  Pausing, Valerie stopped breathing. Someone was behind a large thick tree six metres ahead and to her left.  Continuing her silent movement, she approached, keeping the tree between herself and whoever was behind it.  Once directly on the opposite side of the tree from her target she stopped, steadied herself, holstered her pistol and darted round.
    The man leaning against the tree had no chance to react and his rifle dropped to the ground, Valerie’s knife burying itself in his throat.  The super-hot knife cauterised the wound even as it removed any chance for him to scream.  Valerie grabbed the man by the front of his jacket and held him up easily, while his body thrashed in its death throes.  They slowed quickly before coming to a stop and Valerie gently lowered him to the jungle floor.
    Picking up his rifle, she checked the safety was on before inspecting it.  Her helmets night vision clearly showed it to her in the deep darkness, a forty shot Mag rifle easily available on Gomez.
    “Shadow Company, this is Lead.  One hostile down, armed only with a Mag rifle.  Nothing more high tech in evidence.  Continue with current plan.”
    After receiving acknowledgements from the Platoon leaders, she signalled for First Platoon to move forward.  The platoon crept through the dark undergrowth and two of her troops also encountered watchers in the jungle.  They dealt with them just as silently as Valerie.  The jungle began to thin until they came to twenty metres of open grass.  It stretched out to the first buildings of the base.
    They were simple, cheap, two storey, pre-fabricated units, that could be transported and erected easily.  Made of materials that would be of little defence against Shadow Company’s powerful Pulse Rifles; they would not help the defenders.
    “What’s the plan, Major?”  Bickerstaff came up beside her as she crouched in the undergrowth.
    “I can’t see any look outs.”  Valerie replied and turned to the soldier who came up and knelt on her other side.  “Any active scanners out there, Malick?”
    “No, Major.  Nothing at all.”
    “OK, Gil.  We do this fast and smooth in our fire teams, thirty metres apart.  Sweep through and killing as we go.”  Valerie ordered.
    “Yes, Ma’am.”  The Sergeant Major replied and switched to the Platoon com net.  “First Platoon.  We are going in fire teams.  Mag pistols only, keep your rifles slung.  Alpha, from the Major’s position.  Bravo, take up position thirty metres southeast along the tree line.  Charlie, you’re thirty metres northwest and, Delta, thirty metres beyond them.”
    Acknowledging Bickerstaff’s commands, the platoon spread itself out into teams of five people.  The four other members of Valerie’s team grouped themselves around her.
    “Move out.”  Valerie ordered.  “Fast and low, First Platoon.”  With her eyes fixed on the buildings ahead, she took in the shadowy movements of each fire team in her peripheral vision.  She was pleased with their speed and smoothness.  First Platoon was a silent wave, reaching the buildings without incident and spread out seeking targets.
    With her in the lead, Alpha team swept round the first building.  A man and a woman stood leaning against a wall.  Their rifles were slung on their

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