Reckless Love: A Billionaire Baby Steamy Fantasy Multicultural Love Story Rockstar Romance

Reckless Love: A Billionaire Baby Steamy Fantasy Multicultural Love Story Rockstar Romance by Imani King Page A

Book: Reckless Love: A Billionaire Baby Steamy Fantasy Multicultural Love Story Rockstar Romance by Imani King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Imani King
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Jasmine shoved her phone back in her purse. It looked like he wasn't coming. Well, forget it. I'll just go for a walk. Later on I may catch up with the girls and have tea, or something equally British. Whatever the heck you can do out here. But I'm not can spend all day standing like a sheep in a field waiting for my shepherd.
    She looked around one last time before departing. This time she did see a tall figure in the distance. He was hurrying. Was it Leo? It was! It was him. He wasn't standing her up after all. But he was late.
    Should she walk toward him? Let him come to her? Pretend she didn't see him and start to leave? But that was playing games, and Jasmine didn't think she was into that sort of thing. That sort of thing was for immature girls – and she was sure he got enough of them when he was on tour. No, she would just stay where she was. And watch him walk towards her, maybe stare him down a little. The figure in the distance got bigger and biggeruntil it was recognizably Leo. He had a crooked smile, which contributed to an overall guilty expressio n She had to admit that he looked adorable, if perhaps a little pale.
    "Jasmine! I'm so glad you waited. I hope it wasn't for too long – I'm so sorry I'm late." He reached out and grabbed her hand and there it was – that shock that sizzle electricity. He pulled her toward him and kissed her on both cheeks. She caught a whiff of his cologne and breathed in deeply. "How are you?"
    She wanted to be angry but she found she couldn't. He was just too attractive, too contrite, and his eyes were a little too crinkled at the corners to stay mad. She cursed herself a little, but then thought, do I really want to spend the rest of the day with a sour look on my face?
    "I'm fine, thank you. It's good to see you." She looked up at him a little suspiciously. "So was it a late one last night?"
    "Can you tell?" He took his hat off for a moment and ran his fingers through his hair. Popping it back on, he said, "I suppose one must celebrate when their brother gets married, but perhaps I overdid it a little. One of my bandmates, Nigel – he's our guitarist – showed up at the last minute. The boy loves to party, and so my plans for proper quiet night were completely derailed." He squeezed her hand. "I was so afraid I'd miss you, and then it wouldn't get to see you again before you left."
    "We’ll still be in England a few days." She squeezed his hand back, tentatively. "In fact if you're still around, you could always come to one of our performances."
    "That sounds lovely," he said, "but the problem is, I'll be going to America when you're in England. Ironic isn't it?"
    "That does seem ironic. Although I've never been 100% sure what that word means. As soon as people start talking about it I get more and more confused," she laughed.
    "You and Alanis Morissette, I suppose," he grinned. "No matter, the upshot of the whole thing is that I'll be in your homeland when you're in mine, and never the twain shall meet."
    "Well isn't that a shame," she said eyes downcast. He spun her around and tipped up her chin with one finger.
    "A shame? On the contrary, I think it's rather romantic, and besides, we were lucky enough to meet now, weren't we?" She looked up at him. Her mouth was slightly opened, her eyes wide but a little hooded. He took that as a sign. Did she want him to kiss her? No time like the present to find out, he figured. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek as he leaned in, looking first in her eyes and that her lips, so full and soft looking. She trembled a little underneath his touch. It was so different, so different from the girls on tour. Those girls he didn't give a damn about. There was just something about this one, that meant so much more. And it wasn't about the amount of time that he had known her. Because there was something timeless – timeless, like this time right now – they were so close, his hand on her

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