    There was an awkward silence as her mother and father followed Ryan into the room and both simultaneously stared at the spot where her hand joined Tim's.
    Kari's heart pounded so hard she thought everyone in the room could see it. She cast her parents a look that begged them not to give away her scheme.
    Trying to shake off the memory, Kari wrapped the towel around her body and sat at the edge of the bed. Although it had been years since she'd seen Ryan, memories of him were as fresh as if everything had happened earlier that morning.
    Kari remembered wanting to draw close to Ryan that evening, just one more time.
    To feel his arms envelop her against his chest, hear the way his heart beat against her face. Instead, she nodded politely and introduced Tim, whose hand still held hers. They talked about the Cowboys and spring training and summer camp, and Kari could see that Tim was impressed. There were a few more minutes of football talk, and then Ryan said his goodbyes and left.
    Though he still had a way of taking a piece of her heart with him, Kari watched him go without giving way to the desire that welled up inside her. The desire to run after him and forgive him for anything he'd ever done to hurt her. The desire to ask him if somehow he might still love her.
    The moment he was gone, relief swept over her.
    Ryan had made his choices long ago. There would never be anything between them again. Kari pulled Tim by the hand outside to a quiet place on the back porch.
    As soon as they were
    away from the others, she exhaled loudly and took a spot against the porch railing, staring up at the starry sky. "Thanks."
    Tim was quiet, his gaze fixed upward as well. But after a few ' minutes he shifted positions so that he was facing her. "You're still in love with him."
    There was no forgetting the way his statement made her stomach flip-flop. Had Tim read her mind? Had he known all along what she was feeling for Ryan? She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment and realized it didn't matter. She and Ryan had no future, no matter what indiscretions her errant thoughts committed.
    Kari caught Tim's gaze as she adjusted her position so that they were facing each other. Is he the one, Lord ... ? The thought came from nowhere and dangled in the subtle night breeze. She looked up at him. "It really is over between Ryan and me. It has been for a long time."
    Tim studied her for a minute, his eyes tender and warm. "Are you sure?"
    Kari nodded. "Why do you ask?"
    Though the sticky hot days of July were just around the corner, this was June, and the night had turned cool. Tim moved gently, took her hands in his, and pulled her closer until their lips met in a kiss that left them both breathless.
    Kari drew back and searched Tim's eyes. Her voice was barely audible. "You're a convincing actor, friend."
    Tim brought his hand to her face and tenderly ran his finger along her cheekbone. "It's not an act, Kari." He kissed her again, this time longer than before. "It never has been."
    Kari's head began to spin. She closed her eyes and let her chin fall to her chest. "I ... I don't know what to say."
    He reached out, and with a touch so light she could barely feel it, he tilted her face up and made eye contact with her again. "I mean it, Kari. I've loved you since the day I met you."
    Her mind raced, searching for a response, trying to sort through the feelings assaulting her heart. Fear, longing, doubt 49
    and a strange sense of betrayal toward Ryan. "But I'm leaving for New York-"
    Tim held a finger to her lips and then moved close again, silencing her with another kiss. When he stepped back, his voice was little more than a trembling whisper. "Think about me while you're gone. Think about what you want." His lips met hers once more, but only briefly this time. "When you get back, I'll be waiting."
    I'll be waiting. . . .
    Before walking her back inside, Tim took her hand once more and prayed out loud that God would show Kari the depth of his

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