I got on the horn with Rick in our Forensics Department. The phone rang a couple times before he picked up.
    “This is Rick.”
    “Hey, it’s Kane. What do you have for me?”
    “Put together a folder from the parking structure. It’s mostly just blood evidence. I’ll have one of the guys bring it up.”
    “You guys didn’t get anything more from the Miller’s house?”
    “Pax brought over a report. He said that there wasn’t anything more than what he showed you at the scene.”
    “Sergeant Rawlings said something about tire tracks?”
    “Still working them.”
    “OK. Thanks Rick. Let me know when you get something on those tire marks.”
    “Will do.”
    I hung up with Rick and checked get forensics info off my list. I dialed up Hank’s desk.
    “Sergeant Rawlings.”
    “Hey, it’s Kane. Get on the phone and get something scheduled with those witnesses. I want to go to the crime scene and have a look around. Be ready to go in ten, I’ll meet you at your desk.”
    The ten minutes was enough time to cruise past the lunch room and see what kind of mood the coffee machine was in. An early morning mixed with little sleep was starting to take its toll. An espresso for the road would be just the ticket.
    I opened my office door and caught Captain Bostok walking into his office. I headed over.
    “Anything new, Cap?”
    “I just walked in the door. I had fliers made up with a photo I got from the judge’s house. He said it was the most recent photo he had. Here, take a stack.”
    He handed me a pile of around thirty fliers with all of Jessica Casey’s information. I looked the sheet over. She was twenty-two, blonde with big green eyes. She smiled in the photo showing perfect white teeth—an attractive young woman that came from money.
    “Get anything else out of the judge?” I asked.
    “I got a list of a couple of her friends that we can contact. Small list though, guess she spent most of her time with her boyfriend. What about you? Find out anything at the hospital?”
    “Well, we talked to the attending. He seemed optimistic the Jake would make it.”
    “That’s good. What are you guys working on now?” the captain asked.
    “Hank is getting interviews set with the witnesses from last night. Until then, I want head over to the crime scene and have a look around. We’ll see, maybe one of the nearby businesses caught the vehicle coming or going. It’s worth a shot.”
    “Keep me updated,” Bostok said.
    I nodded.
    I took the fliers with me and closed his door. I made my way to the station’s lunch room to try my luck with the coffee machine. From down the hall I could hear a familiar sound coming from the lunch room—banging. I rounded the corner and entered. The machine was occupied by a handful of officers beating on the sides of it.
    “Damn thing is broke again!”
    “What wrong with this piece of crap!”
    “Give me some damn coffee!”
    The officers shook the machine and rocked it from side to side. I turned around and continued back to Hank’s desk, there would be no espresso. Hank sat waiting as I arrived.
    “Get appointments set?” I asked.
    “Yup. One at three o’clock here, and one at five in Brandon.”
    I looked at my watch. We had enough time to get what we needed from the crime scene and still be back in time to meet with the witness.
    Hank tapped a folder on his desk with his finger. “Forensics just dropped off the file.”
    “Let’s take it with. Here, toss these fliers I got from the captain in there. Grab the case folder too.” I handed Hank the stack of papers.
    “What are these?”
    “Jessica Casey fliers with a recent photo and info,” I said.
    He looked a flier over and stuck the stack, plus the file from Forensics, into the folder for the case. We grabbed my unmarked Charger from the station’s lot and drove the four blocks to the scene. We pulled in and made our way up to the second floor. Brown stains of blood on the concrete confirmed the spot the attack

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