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Book: Resurrection by Anita Cox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anita Cox
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Maybe it was time for her to look out for her own needs.

    Wendy had made the affirmative decision to move to the school. Though her relationship with Zoltar had been left hanging in the wind, her future looked bright. She’d returned home from the tour and begun packing that night. Within a few days of her return, she was all packed up and ready to move to the school.
    Easing her transition was the fact that Nala and Colin seemed to be getting along. Things were still quaint and not bonded, but they smiled more around each other and the tension had decreased. She’d even caught them holding hands a few times. The burden of leaving her brother behind was lessened by the chance that he might bond.
    She had a nice, long cry the week prior. Sobbing every night, mourning the loss of the only pack she’d ever known. Grace had given her many counseling sessions.
    “Wendy, we’ll make a pack there. I promise. Roman and I are already your pack mates so you won’t be completely alone. We’ll run together each night until you feel comfortable. Okay?” Grace offered.
    “How did you do it so quickly, Grace? I mean, here. How did you claim us so fast?”
    She leaned against the truck and dusted her hands off on her jeans. Her auburn locks were pulling free from her pony tail. She tucked them behind her ears. “I admit my situation is a lot different. I’d never had a pack before, and this was my first real family to speak of. But…I made an honest effort to be part of it. I wanted it all. If you don’t want this feeling of trepidation, then you have to try, every day, until you don’t have to try anymore. That one day,” She paused and closed her eyes briefly, smiled and continued, “that day when you think of the others as yours…then they are.” She smiled. “It’s part of our magic, I guess. The nice part for you is, you don’t have to accept a new leader. You already think of Roman as your Alpha so things should be easy for you. Plus, Tiffany is transferring to our new school, so there’s another familiar pack mate. ”
    She wiped her eyes one last time and took a deep breath. “Really, I couldn’t do this without you, Grace. You’ve been a godsend.”
    Roman loaded the last box in the truck. “You ladies ready to start this new adventure?”
    * * * *
    An entire week had passed since she offered herself to Z. She hadn’t had a chance to see him the next day or the following day after that before Grace and Roman dragged her back home, where she spent the time packing her things to make the final move. Because she owned so little things had moved fast for her. She’d been packed up and ready to move to the school to prepare for the coming opening long before Roman or Grace were ready. It’d given her time to observe her home and her brother with an open heart, a knowing it was time to let go. Nala and Colin seemed to be getting along, which made her choice to go an easier one. Things were still quaint and not bonded, but they smiled more around each other and the tension had decreased. She’d even caught them holding hands a few times. The burden of leaving her brother behind was lessened by the chance that he might bond.
    Saying good-byes to Colin and Nada had been hard; it brought back the pain of her choice to leave, to start a life of her own. She had a nice, long cry. Sobbing most of drive back to the school, mourning the loss of the only pack she’d ever known.
    She stepped out of the shower. It was desperately needed after loading and unloading all of her personal belongings. As she dried her hair, she kept playing over and over the words Grace had said to comfort her on their long drive back to school. We’ll make a pack there. I promise. Roman and I are already your pack mates so you won’t be completely alone. We’ll run together each night until you feel comfortable. Okay?
    She heaved a deep breath, “Okay Grace. I’m here. I’m making a real effort from this moment

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