some time to verify the directive.”
    “What happens after that then?” asked Rihan.
    “That all depends doesn’t it. I have some options but it’s best I don’t canvass those with you yet. It’s for your own safety. This way if things back-fire you won’t be implicated” said Phil with a deadly serious demeanour.
    “OK Sir I’m fine with that” said Dave “but what do we and my crew do in the meantime. Can we arrange for some leave?”
    “And what about replacements, Sir” added Rihan.
    “Mmm…” thought Phil out loud. “Give everyone one week’s leave effective tomorrow and I’ll liaise with Alex Peebody about the replacements.”
    “Sounds great Sir” said Dave. “What about the posting for Rihan?”
    “Leave it with me for the moment. In the meantime I’ll ask Alex to source another XO for you.”
    “So I’ll definitely be staying here on Polaris then?” asked Rihan.
    “Most likely” said Phil. “But you can definitely start planning for those additions you want” he said with a wry smile.
    Rihan spontaneously leaned over and gave Phil a peck on his cheek.
    “I wish all my decisions were rewarded like that.”

Chapter 15. Resolute at Tumos 1400, 2 June
    The Admiral had left on shuttle just before lunch and now Rihan was flat out coordinating and confirming leave arrangements for the crew when Ivan knocked on her office door.
    “Yes Ivan. I’m busy” she said.
    “Not as busy as our overloaded comms channels” replied Ivan. “They’re maxed out with everyone trying to tee up travel and accommodation.”
    “Just let them outside and they can use their personal communicators.”
    “Can’t do that Maam.”
    “Why not?”
    “Security. This is a classified, and supposedly secret, facility. It won’t stay that way with a surge of calls from this location.”
    “Oh you’re right” said Rihan. “Ask the facility if they can help and if so send them out in batches. Make sure they don’t hang around there.”
    “OK I’m on it” said Ivan.
    A minute later Val appeared. Rihan raised her eyes without adjusting the angle of her head which was directed at her workstation. “Yes?”
    “The facility staff want us to remove all personal gear from the craft. Where are we going to store it?” asked Val.
    “Don’t they have space? It’s a bloody cavern in there. They must have space somewhere.”
    “Already asked. Vetoed by their security officer.”
    “On what grounds?”
    “He said if I can’t vet and vouch for everyone’s kit they are not going to receive it. There is no way that me and my team can personally inspect everyone’s kit before we depart tomorrow.”
    Rihan shook her head in annoyance. “Bloody pedants. Don’t they know there is a war on? Oh leave it with me. I’ll call Dr Govinda and get this sorted.”
    Dr Govinda was more accommodating than his security officer and got back to Rihan twenty minutes later saying that the personal gear would be received and stored provided it was scanned.
    “Val” hailed Rihan.
    “Good news and bad news. The good news is they’ll take our gear. The bad news is it needs to go through their scanners.”
    “Oh goody. And these scanners are where?”
    “Don’t know. Liaise with their staff and have the crew drop off their kit individually. It’s all got to be completed by the time the shuttle arrives tomorrow, which is…1000 hours.”
    “Right oh Maam.”
    Rihan went back to processing the leave approvals.
    Dave poked his head in the door.
    “Yes?” she said with a tone of mild frustration.
    “Where are we going?”
    The question caught Rihan unawares. She sat back in her chair and said “Ooh how about we finish off our honeymoon at Terra Fuaga?”
    “Sound’s great. I’ll leave it with you.”
    Dave was already half turned when Rihan pleaded “Oh please Dave, can you do it?”
    Dave about-turned and walked over to her side of the desk. She swivelled her chair to face him. He took her head in the

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