Return to Her
keys? I want to throw my duffel in
your car.”
    “ How did you get
    Mason grinned. “A cab.”
    She was a little upset he’d robbed her
of her chance to meet him at the airport. But he’d come straight to
her, so she’d let him off the hook. Cassie fished her keys from her
shorts pocket and tossed them over. Mason leaned in to kiss her
again before wandering toward her car. While he was gone, she
started fixing him a plate of food, piling it high with his
favorites. Once she was done, she brought the food to their table,
along with a couple of beers, and sat impatiently for him to
return. Within minutes of her sitting, he was there, at her side,
climbing onto the bench.
    An overjoyed cry rang out as Mason
returned. Everyone came over to shake his hand or bid him welcome
home. She watched the procession and observed Mason while he was
busy talking. He looked so different, yet completely the same. He
wore a t-shirt and shorts, and a pair of running shoes on his feet.
She felt a twinge of sadness. His clothes hung on him a little. His
body appeared thinner, his face a little more gaunt. She didn’t
know what he’d been through during his time away, but if she could
be the soft place for him to land, she would.
    “ Oh, this looks great. I’m
starving,” he said, grasping the fork she’d brought him, his other
worming its way between her thighs and brushing against her
    Cassie swallowed a moan and tried to
act as if nothing was amiss. He glanced at her with wickedness in
his eyes as he began to stroke her through her shorts. While he
talked, ate, and drank with everyone at the table, he toyed with
her body, building the fire within her. Not that he had to work
hard to build anything. Knowing he was home, safe, and in her reach
once again was enough to make her ready for his kisses and
    Mason’s gaze drifted her way often,
the heat in his stare enough to send shivers racing up her spine.
The longer he stroked her, the more insistent his fingers were. She
noticed his breathing grow shallower, and he struggled to focus on
anything but her.
    He slipped one finger along the edge
of her shorts, brushing along her wet folds. Cassie had to swallow
a moan that almost escaped her lips. She covered with a quick
cough, but from the odd looks she got, their friends knew something
was going on.
    “ I have a present for you
in my bag. I forgot to give it to you. Come with me?” Mason asked,
drawing his hand away from her. His eyes glistening in the glow
coming from strings of lights wrapped around the shelter. The soft
light was just enough for her to see the wan smile play with his
    Tonight was almost magical. The air
was heavy with promise. She only hoped it wasn’t a dream and Mason
was really there with her. After he stood, she took his hand and
let him lead her away. Before they could make it to the small
parking lot, he pulled her into a copse of trees that had grown
beside a large shed. Three tall, full evergreens stood wide, hiding
the pair of them from other picnic participants.
    In the darkened space, they were very
much alone for the first time that night.
    Mason’s lips came down onto hers, his
mouth starving. He licked along the seam of her mouth, a silent
plea for her to open for him. She yielded, letting him taste the
summer on her tongue. Drinking her in, he pushed her against the
outside wall, pressing his hardness against her. He was just as
ready for her as she for him.
    He drew away and looked down at her.
Cassie could see the outline of his face from the dim light coming
through, but it wasn’t enough to see his features. Cassie wanted to
see the emotions he felt. Here, she was robbed of that.
    “ I’ve missed you more than
I expected,” he said softly. “I’m so happy to be home.”
    Cassie drew her hand over his chest,
feeling the even harder muscles he seemed to have now. His service
had hardened him more, chiseling away a little of his softness. She
would give it back

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