Return to the Shadows

Return to the Shadows by Angie West Page A

Book: Return to the Shadows by Angie West Read Free Book Online
Authors: Angie West
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Fantasy, Paranormal, trilogy
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just trying to figure this whole
mess out. I want you and Ashley to be safe.”
    “I know you do, I’m sorry. It’s just that
this has me a bit on edge.”
    “I’m worried about you too, Mike,” I told him
in a quiet tone.
    “Why?” His brow furrowed.
    “You were in this too. Last year. Maybe you
didn’t attack anyone like I had to, but you found that place. You
found the key to Terlain. What if they’re not just after me?” I
asked pointedly.
    “It’s possible but not likely. We told John
that we destroyed both halves of the key. What point would there be
to sending someone after me now? He never cared about the
historical implications of a find like Terlain. He wanted nothing
more than to pilfer the land.”
    “True. Anyway, I’m the reason he is doing
hard time. As far as he knows.”
    “Claire.” Mike was wary. “I still wish you
had let me clear that up with the police.”
    “There was no point in the police questioning
both of us. It was easier to let them think that John tried to have
me hurt because he was angry I had found evidence of his corruption
through his position at LanTech.”
    “Between you and me, I half expected him to
spill the whole sordid tale when they arrested him.
    How I found the artifact and the old legend.
All of it.”
    “Hah. Well if nothing else, it would have
made for a fabulous insanity defense. Personally, I’m a little
relieved that he kept his mouth shut.”
    “It wouldn’t have mattered either way,” Mike
shrugged. “They never would have believed him.”
    “Some days I can hardly believe it myself.” I
toyed with the handle on my coffee mug. “Do you ever think about
    “We’re talking about it right now.” He was
ever evasive.
    “No. Do you ever think about Terlain? About
being there?”
    “No. It was a mistake.”
    “Was it? Do you honestly believe that it was
all just a big mistake?” I searched his face for the truth.
    “Claire, how can you even ask me that?
Because of me, because of that place, you and your daughter are in
danger. And how many times did you cheat death last year? All
because I didn’t leave it alone. I should have walked away, but I
didn’t. Even worse, I dragged you right into the middle of it. And
you’re still paying for it. You and Ashley. So, yes, I do honestly
believe that it was a mistake.”
    “I don’t.” My quiet admission stunned Mike
into silence. “At first maybe I did. And most of the time that I
spent searching for you, all that I could think about was getting
back home.” I felt as though the words were being dragged from me
and I sounded forced even to my own ears. I pressed on anyway,
needing to finally get the words out. “I know you don’t like to
talk about it. But something happened to me over there. Something
good, and I can’t just pretend it was all a dream. Maybe you can,
but I can’t, God knows I have been trying. Partially out of respect
for your feelings, but mostly for Ashley’s sake, because she
deserves a normal, stable life. But I can’t make it any less real.
Terlain gave me my daughter. Terlain gave me a lot.” I looked
    “What was his name?”
    “Mark,” I murmured. “His name was Mark.”
    “Is he…?”
    “No, he’s alive. At least he was when I
    “Was it serious?”
    “Yes. He was a good person. I hope he still
    “I don’t mean to be insensitive, Claire, but
what’s this about? Why are you thinking about all of this now?”
    “I think about it all the time,” I replied
with a trace of bitterness. “I’ve been having these dreams lately.
They started a couple of months back. Dreams of Terlain and danger.
I think they’re in trouble over there. Or they will be. I know I’m
in trouble again....” I trailed off.
    “Maybe it’s not a coincidence. Maybe someone
is trying to tell me something.”
    “I think you have an overactive
    “Me?” I sat back hard against the seat,

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