manner is very off-putting. Rude but in a polite way. It’s infuriating.”
Nico is now staring at me. Oops was that too much
information? I smile and shrug. “Photographic memory,” I tap my head. “You
“Indeed,” he murmurs.
“Do you know him?” I ask suspicious of his change in manner.
“I will look into it,” is all he says, closed off, and I
know I couldn’t get more out of him if I tried.
CK walks in then looking like he is about to blow a gasket
at my indecent dress and sexy, casual pose.
“I trust you are finished in here.” It’s not a question.
“Yes, sir,” Nico replies and I slowly remove my feet off his
desk and stand. I take CK’s hand by way of placating him for the dress,
although technically that wasn’t my fault – exactly.
“Good. Liv. I don’t have much time left with you. Get back
upstairs,” he orders me using “Liv” to show his indifference to me.
My eyes blaze into his but I can’t win with him so I stalk
out of the room. He doesn’t follow but turns to the door and closes it,
shutting me out.
I use my Vampire eavesdropping abilities but I can hardly
hear anything. Must be that expensive magick again. I turn to go back upstairs
but then decide to try out my own pretty kick ass magick. Standing just outside
of CK’s sensing range, I close my eyes again to concentrate. I focus on my
hearing senses and then try to push out just a bit more. It’s working, I think
excitedly, I can hear them… just barely.
“…Cade,” I hear Nico say.
“What?” CK snaps. “When, where?”
“She said he was at the hotel in Milan and then she ran into
him again at JFK. Said she owed him a debt,” he says warily.
“What kind of debt?”
Oh me and my big mouth, it’s just a coffee for fuck's sake.
“Didn’t say. The way she ran it down, I’m sure it’s him.”
“Yes, I’m sure she managed to give it to you in great
detail,” CK says wryly.
Hey, I think, affronted. Don’t blame me for my eye for
detail and incredible memory.
“Find him and make sure he doesn’t come anywhere near her,
or any of us for that matter,” CK orders.
“On it boss,” replies Nico, and I hightail it with extra
Vampire in my speed back upstairs.
I am lounging innocently on the bed when CK makes his
reappearance to my surprise with a very shocked looking Devon. Smiling, I jump
up and pull him to me and he returns my hug fiercely.
CK pulls me away from him and stands me at Devon’s side,
then he stands in front of us like the headmaster and we are the naughty
students. Oh fuck, I know where this is going. My stomach drops.
Devon looks at me, “Liv, what’s all this about? Why am I
CK answers for me, “You are here to join us. You may please
your sire, but you will not fuck her and nor will she touch you.”
Devon and I look at each other with matching shocked
“Do you agree to the rules?” he snaps.
Devon, ever one to spend time with me any way he can, nods.
“Yes,” he says quickly before CK changes his mind. I am more reluctant as I
know there is more to this than CK’s magnanimity.
“Liv?” Devon asks.
“Err, yes,” I say hesitantly.
CK looks pleased but he knows I know there’s more to this.
He pulls me in front of him and then turns me to face Devon. “One more thing,”
he says conversationally. “Shift,” he barks at me and there it is. Dread wells
up in me as Devon’s eyes go wide and then harden as he realizes what
Constantine wants me to do.
“No,” I say forcefully. “I promised,” I add, pleading now.
CK scoffs, “Please, it’s not like I haven’t been there
Devon scowls at me. “I knew it! Versailles. You told me you
didn’t fuck,” he snarls at me.
“We didn’t fuck,” CK answers blandly on my behalf. “We made
love for hours and hours,” he says wickedly.
Oh now he calls it making love. Arse.
The hurt on Devon’s face is apparent and I know this is what
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