to—“Yes, butt!”
Why The Fascination With Anal?
As you surely know, most hetero guys are ready, willing and thwarted by that well-worn feminine phrase: “Not in this lifetime.”
So why would you try anal sex in this lifetime? The reason has as much to do with tasting the forbidden fruit as it does with a delightful quirk of feminine anatomy: the G-spot can actually receive incredible stimulation through anal sex—and in some cases—even more than through vaginal intercourse.
It gets better: As he lovingly fingertips the clitoris, and his slippery-hot penis tantalizes the rich, sensitive nerve endings in her anus, all while he’s excitedly stimulating her G-spot, a woman may experience the most astounding whole-body orgasms she’s ever felt—indescribable pulsations of passion that can’t be achieved any other way.
At least in this lifetime.
The 4 Guidelines For Enjoying Anal Sex
Whether you’re an anal sex virgin, or trying to overcome any memories of past discomforts, start with these four easy guidelines to ensure your pleasure, comfort and safety:
Talk. Anal sex is not a spur-of-the-moment act. It takes planning, provisions and discussion (an intimate conversation you’re likely to find very arousing!). You must also communicate with each other throughout the entire experience. It’s a shared pleasure that requires trust, confidence and responsibility.
Relax. The anus stays tight for a good reason, and learning to relax the sphincter muscles and get accustomed to fingers, sextoys or a penis takes time. Initially, you may feel a little discomfort before you feel pleasure, and while the level is different for everyone, it should NEVER be painful. Follow the advice in this chapter and you’ll ease into enjoyment much more quickly.
Practice. Most of the women who overcame reluctance and now enjoy anal sex say it took three or four tries to get it right. Be patient. Be positive. Be proactive. And follow these guidelines. Once you learn what you like, anal sex gets more comfortable each time.
Be safe. Even if you are in a totally monogamous relationship, anal sex can spread bacteria that can lead to infections. You MUST follow all precautions below.
SAFER SEX PRECAUTION. Anal sex without a condom puts you at risk of sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Play it safe. Read AND PRACTICE all the safer sex tips in this chapter and in the Appendix at the end of this book.
Precautions & Preparations For Anal Sex
Anal sex is more pleasurable when your physical and mental safeguards are in place. Practice these safeguards every time:
Use latex barriers. Roll a spermicide-free latex condom over the penis. Wear latex gloves or single finger covers (finger cots) if inserting fingers. Place a latex dam or sheet of plastic wrap between any tongue-to-anus stimulation (analingus or “rimming”)—or cut a fresh latex condom lengthwise and lay it flat. Never invert or reuse any latex barriers—always toss them out.
Wash up. If it will come in contact with the anus, pre-wash it in hot water with antibacterial soap. This includes fingers, sextoys and yourselves. File down and smooth out all rough edges on sextoys and fingernails, too.
Single dip only. Once you’ve committed to the back door—the vagina and mouth are off limits till after the penis and hands are thoroughly washed, or you’ll risk introducing germs that can lead to infection.
Get slippery. Unlike the vagina, the rectum is delicate and dry, with no natural lubrication to glide the penis inside. You MUST squeeze on the lube—in large, generous amounts! And don’t even think about using saliva.
Choose proper sextoys. Use sextoys made specifically for anal play. Never slide anything into the anus that does not have a flared base or extra-long handle to grip, otherwise it can get sucked inside. Make sure you’ve filed smooth any rough plastic seams. And roll a fresh condom over your sextoys.
A Word About…Er…Poop!
You were
Noel Amos
John D. MacDonald
Kellyann Petrucci
Alaina Marks
Lucius Shepard
Patrick Donovan
Mark Pryor
Richard Templar
Esri Allbritten
Robin Hathaway