Ring of Secrets
the remainder of the sympathetic stain home with him this evening. It wouldn’t do for it to garner questions. Or, worse still, be put upon a shelf with the other herbals and vitriols by mistake.
    He packed up the two vials for her but then hesitated. Would she try her hand at them without his advice? Quite possibly. He grabbed a scrap of paper and a pencil.
    626 ycmm 298.
    There. Tucking the paper in with the vials, he closed the box and carried it back into the shop in time to hear Mrs. Shirley say, “Certainly, dear, go ahead. I am still flush from the latest haul the Royal Charlotte brought to port.”
    For a moment, Rob feared Mr. Lane would toss his stack of paper again, given the shocked bulge of his eyes. “The Royal Charlotte ? My dear madam, is that not a pirate vessel?”
    Mrs. Shirley gave him a smile that would have been deemed coquettish on a younger woman. “A privateer, if you please, good sir. Several of my friends and I have invested in her, and a fine venture she is proving to be. Our stated goal is to humble the pride and perfidyof France and chastise the rebels of America—and a fine job we are doing too.”
    Winter delivered that slow, confused blink again. “How does one humble the making of holes, Mrs. Shirley?”
    The older woman stared for a long moment before shaking her head. “Not perforate , Miss Reeves. Perfidy . The betrayal of trust.”
    â€œAh.” As if bolstered by the explanation, Winter smiled and reached for the box in Rob’s hands. “Well, I should think perforation a handy skill for a pirate vessel to have as well. It would make for the easier sinking of enemy ships.”
    He held onto the stain a moment before handing it over, until she met his gaze for a fraction of a second. Long enough that she should realize he wanted her to pay attention, which would alert her to look for a note within. Then he released it into her hands with a nod. “Use it sparingly, Miss Reeves, for this particular perfume is hard to obtain.”
    â€œBut not so sparingly that I offend, correct?” Challenge quirked her brow. “For ’tis certainly easier to obtain than my grandmother’s pardon.”
    â€œGranted.” Rob said no more on the matter, not when he felt the regard of Mr. Lane, who looked from him to Winter with obvious curiosity. Blast. The man might bumble socially, but he obviously had his wits about him in most cases. Best not to raise questions whose answers could not be easily obtained by all. Rob forced a smile. “Shall I tell my sister you send your usual salutations?”
    Winter’s smile was large and honest. “Yes, do. How is she enjoying married life?”
    Lane’s shoulders relaxed. “Your families are acquainted?”
    â€œWe are from the same Long Island town.” Rob pulled out the lace he had put aside for Winter and handed that over as well. “And Sally has only good things to say about her new husband. Mary is set to wed this spring as well, and my eldest brother’s family has grown yet again.”
    â€œSend my felicitations to all.”
    â€œIndeed I shall.” But when Oakham appeared to tally up the purchases for the other ladies, nausea churned in his stomach.
    He had handed off some of the most priceless, crucial materialsthe Culper Ring possessed under the very noses of British sympathizers—and Winter hadn’t the good sense to look unnerved, even when no one else watched her.
    â€™Twas enough to make perspiration bead under his collar.

    W inter exited the shop before the others and let her eyes slide shut for just a moment, just a breath. The peace was short lived. A few seconds later the door opened again and the rest of her party laughed their way out onto Smith Street.
    She couldn’t decide if it were help or hindrance to her bid for reprieve when Mr. Lane stepped to her side and offered his arm. She wanted to return his smile,

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