Rocky Mountain Mayhem
trail into a snowy patch. “I need
volunteers to dig the snow out from around this tree wide enough
for two people to get in. This time of year it’s not all that deep
so this instruction is more for educational purposes than actual
utilization, but midwinter, this knowledge could save your life.
Pack the snow firm on top and inside as well.”
    “What do we dig with?” Wendy asked.
    “Your hands, unless you brought a
    “Come on, it’ll be fun,” Kate said and dug
in. “We’re learning to survive in the wilderness.”
    Wendy didn’t look as enthusiastic.
    The girls had a hole dug to Buck’s
specifications in no time, as the snow was more mush than powder.
Vivian’s hands stung from the cold and her exercise pants were
muddy from kneeling.
    Buck pulled out his knife and cut a few
boughs off a juniper. “Place these in the bottom for insulation.”
They did while he cut a few more. “You would use these for cover on
    Lucy hopped into the pit and held one of the
jumper branches over her head, peeking out. “Can you see me?” she
asked Vivian.
    Buck laughed and reached out a hand to help
Lucy up. Getting back into instructor mode, he said, “Navigating
off-trail is of the utmost importance should you get lost or
disoriented in the wilderness.” He unzipped a pocket on his camo
pants, pulled out several compasses and handed them to the group.
He had them hold the compass and turn from side to side as he gave
basic instructions.
    He pointed out the peak to Red Mountain and
went into an explanation on azimuths. Vivian tuned out the
projected vector, zenith, perpendicular, blah blah. She was more
interested in the rest of him.
    Wrapping up the compass instruction, he
handed everyone a topographical map and explained how to read it.
“Now that you can read the topos, it’s time to put your skills to
    “Tacos?” Wendy said. “I could put my skills
to use eating one of those right now.”
    “Me, too.” Vivian giggled but stopped at
Buck’s glance.
    “Topos, as in topography,” he explained.
    Vivian and Wendy shared an oops moment.
    Buck addressed the group. “Do you see
Squirrel Lake?”
    Nods all around.
    “Your job is to hike there, off-trail, using
nothing but the map, compass and azimuth skills I’ve given you. It
should take you no more than 15 minutes.”
    “What if we get lost?” Wendy asked.
    Lucy raised her map in the air. “I got
    Buck clapped, dismissing them. “See you in

    THE girls conferred over the map for a few
minutes before trekking northeast toward Squirrel Lake. Mr. Snicker
and his two buddies had taken off right away.
    Ten minutes into their hike, Kate stopped and
consulted the map. “We should have passed this stream by now.” She
pointed to a thin blue line about halfway from where they were to
where the lake was.
    “Maybe we just haven’t gotten to it yet?”
Vivian asked.
    “I need to recheck the azimuth calculation.”
Kate scanned the horizon and ticked off a few points on her hand.
“I think we need to head more east than north.”
    “Sure thing,” Wendy said and they started
    Another five minutes passed, and Kate clicked
her tongue. “This isn’t right. We definitely should have passed
that stream by now.”
    “Maybe it’s dried up?” Vivian said.
    “Probably not, it’s spring,” Lucy looked at
the map, then at the horizon. “By my calculations, we should head
directly north. It just feels right.”
    Vivian leaned against an aspen. “That doesn’t
sound very scientific.”
    “You wanna figure it out?” Lucy asked.
    “I wasn’t paying attention! He started to
sound like Charlie Brown’s teacher so I checked him out instead.
Fine specimen.”
    Kate and Lucy turned to Wendy, who threw up
her hands. “Don’t ask me. I hated geography in high school and used
to fall asleep in class.”
    Kate looked at the map again. “I think we’re
officially lost.”
    Lucy looked over her

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